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Everything posted by Miles

  1. You called my name?
  2. I know that you have got all night so could you write me detailed breakdown?
  3. I think that @scotty could be Lazarus of Bethany.
  4. My neighbour Grundig was born in Norway .. I was only speaking to him of Friday evening, he told me that his father was buried alive and he was terrified that the same was going to happen to him .. he died on Saturday morning, I think that they will have to do an autopsy, I hope that he doesn't come back to life as they are cutting him on the slab.
  5. Be kind too DC, I don't think that he realises that @scotty was never alive in the first place.
  6. Are you ko Ydslexic tcnu?
  7. Because you still live besides which I have never been in the SAS.
  8. @Frank is (and always will be) the best on here.
  9. I have just been told that one of my neighbours has died .. he was in the SAS and fought in the "Troubles" and thought the world of me.
  10. I am glad that you found it interesting .. tbh it is not really interesting at all .. the myth of idleness is more entertaining .. it perhaps explains part of why the Italians and Spanish can produce more and better cars than we can and why the Germans and French tend to use Turkish and North Africans to do the easier and physical tasks.
  11. About 60 years ago in the village where I was brung up there was an old colonel who had spent a lot of time in hot countries. He said that it was a myth that these Latin farming types were idle because they did nothing in the middle of they day .. they simply did not work in the sun .. they would start the day as the sun came up and then around 11am they would stop for for about 4 hours and have a snooze somewhere in the shade then start work about 3pm to finish off what they had done in the morning.
  12. Heat exhaustion appears to have been the cause .. "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun".
  13. One gets tired when one is a busy little princess.
  14. Bigger hammock .. are you a 350 kilo cunt?
  15. It is probably that anyone who has seen them is now in a large specimen jar somewhere or preserved as an exhibit in clear resin.
  16. The only blue bag that she had was her handbag.
  17. When I was 4 years old I saw this little pretty cuddly looking creature on a flower and I picked it up .. it was a fucking bastard bumblebee and it fucking stung me and I ran home crying to mummy and she told me off
  18. Did you ever Ask Jeeves if he was gay?
  19. I asked an ai app .. it fucking wouldn't tell me. (I cannot generate hate speech. Is there anything else I can help you with?).
  20. It is legal .. just tell them you were using your mobile phone and didn't see them.
  21. Don't the police use a stinger to deal with them?
  22. I have driven past Stonehenge but not seen it .. I live much further in the Wild West, Tavistock does have a high viaduct and Bullshit ought to climb on to it and jump off.
  23. I have been to Tavistock a few times .. its between Plymouth and Launceston.
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