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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I have just found this old photo of @ChildeHarold and @entitled little cunt as children back in 1901 .. look how cocky ELC looks.
  2. Miles


  3. It is much the same in Germany and Italy, the Greeks sold theirs to the UK but really the Greek royal family was a mix of Danish and German anyway, I don't think that there was actually any real Greek blood in them .. the wonderful thing is that the UK does have a purely English royal family.
  4. FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE
  5. Is your real name Loopy?
  6. Multi-quoting, You've turned into Ding
  7. The rattle was caused by your dead nuts dropping on to the floor.
  8. They were both jailed for 18 months back in 2021.
  9. I only heard of that confabulating word when I read The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat.
  10. Smackheads usually have someone else's credit card .. remember those two smackheads who "won" the lotto with a stolen card?
  11. There others .. there was one called Zit.
  12. That is an old one ..possibly one of Scotty's.
  13. Adrian is banned from B&Q and Lidl.
  14. You are very clever .. I have got neighbours either side Chris and Adrian .. Adrian is a minor lotto winner and moved in 5 years ago, he is a piss-head and his missus has fucked off. For some reason he has got it in for Chris and his family and has now started to lob empty beer bottles on the Chris's driveway late at night. Trouble is that my driveway is next to Chris's and the beer bottles are also smashing on my driveway .. The police are fucking useless.
  15. Early on-set Alzheimer's I suspect. Early on-set Alzheimer's I suspect along with confabulation .. @King Billy has got the same problem.
  16. You are just another gibbering mick, fuck off.
  17. Miles

    M&S Mens

    Good Evening Billy .. are you ok?
  18. Miles

    M&S Mens

    I have to say that I admire you .. you came from nothing and are still nothing.
  19. Miles

    M&S Mens

    Its you Peter.
  20. He has got a nice sincere smile and his cap fits.
  21. This poor cunt has been sacked for telling a few little harmless fibs .. he should have just had his wrists slapped. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ceqq74pg1evo
  22. This olive oil thing is pure nonsense Three-in One and Castrol GTX was good enough in my childhood and it was Duckhams for Sunday best.
  23. Miles

    M&S Mens

    Didn't one of the concordes leave a skid mark in France?
  24. I think that she also gets £3,600 a month from a family trust fund, she has got two brothers Maximilian, 34, and Tobias, 31, and her father is a nutter who sold up and moved to Australia in 2013 to live a life as a swagman. She is descended from this bent cunt, who had "meaty lips" apparently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napier_Sturt,_3rd_Baron_Alington
  25. Miles

    M&S Mens

    I think you are overdoing things here @Ape™️ surely elc is just a wanker .. I doubt whether there is anything complete about him.
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