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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Probably not a crap shot .. if slack jawed he will be a Trump supporter .. Donald going for the sympathy vote?
  2. Miles

    The Ford Capri

  3. @Frank is presently the best on here.
  4. Fuck knows but they are not welcome.
  5. Not these cunts. I wouldn't mind unwinding your neck.
  6. There hundred of these cunts in Torbay, they lack manners and they make the local feral chavs look like angels.
  7. Rather than wondering about am imaginary trunk it would better to check what that pink elephant behind you is going to do.
  8. More likely its seen what Frank did to ELC.
  9. Miles

    The Ford Capri

    Go back to the 50s and into the early 60s there were loads of very cheap three wheelers of all sorts with small engines .. they were cheap to run and often had single cylinder motorcycle type engines. Loads of cunts only had motor bike licences and they were usually diy type used to doing their own servicing. for the type of cunt who had, had a motorbike and sidecar the likes of a relianr were a good and cheap upgrade. It was different world back then. The SUV names means Sports, Utility Vehicle .. back in the 50s they would have been called a Shooting brake .. the word "Sport" was reserved for cars that were low slung and you nearly had to crawl into and would make you feel like you wanted have a shit as soon as you pressed the accelerator pedal .. any cunt who owns a 4x4 branded as an SUV should be hanged or terminated with morphine.
  10. Miles

    The Ford Capri

    Yes and at one stage the law was so quirky that if the three wheeler did not have a reverse gear on it you could drive it solo with a provisional licence .. some of the early bond three wheelers along with some bubble cars lacked a reverse.
  11. Fuck off and do some gobbling.
  12. Mind your own fucking business.
  13. It is certainly a him .. a my dad has got a "big canon" him.
  14. Miles

    The Ford Capri

    At last a Capri that I can mock.
  15. Nowt wrong with Kingston upon Hull you little fairy.
  16. Why are you being so gentle with him?
  17. He visited Hull Botanical Gardens.
  18. She's a hunt sab so she must be ok in my book.
  19. Tactfully wouldn't be better to go before him and then hide somewhere and ambush him?
  20. The Tories were going to do the same .. much of what Labour propose to do will be much the same as the Tories would have done as they have to find the funds from the same places.
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