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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles


    Perhaps the rioters were wearing brownface. Can you still get Cherry Blossom in brown?
  2. @Ape™️ flies his own kite kite-less.
  3. He should be looking after his Alpacas.
  4. It wasn't lost, I bought in the local CEX shop.
  5. Dizzy is an ignorant cunt, he doesn't even say please . is he an Argentinian?
  6. Hitler thought that he had been saved by God after the 1944 assassination attempt.
  7. 'I had God on my side': Donald Trump makes first speech since assassination attempt God saved gracious Donald Trump, Long live noble Donald Trump, God save Donald Trump! Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God saved Donald Trump! https://www.itv.com/news/2024-07-19/i-shouldnt-be-here-trump-makes-first-speech-since-assassination-attempt
  8. New political party, challenger the Tories for second place, all the good and worthy and leaders of the main political parties there for the King's Speech but where is the MP for Clacton .. leader of the Reform Party? He's in America telling people that his "friend" Trump "nearly died" .. for fucks sake Donald heard a whistling sound in his right ear, my dad had worse when he cut is ear whilst fucking shaving.
  9. That said didn't North Korea's Kim finish his uncle off with an anti aircraft gun?
  10. Going back to WW2 didn't the Yanks use flamethrowers to clear some islands of the Japanese soldiers?
  11. So you are actually a nutcase from Jaywick who sells naf glassware on Ebay rather than a binman from Brum?
  12. I cannot prove anything .. it is simply my personal opinion .. you are stating things as if they are fact when it is simply your drug and drink addled opinion.
  13. Can you prove that, or is it just personal bias?
  14. I knon what he wrote you imbecile .. keep your fucking nose out.
  15. Hairless fingers. What are you wittering on about .. I have not said that Thatcher invented anything .. just that she has so far been better than anything that has so far come after her. She set a trap for the railway unions and another trap for the miners and they both fell into the trap.
  16. The last decent prime minister was Margaret Thatcher .. her idea of share ownership by ordinary people and workers was almost socialist. The trouble was that vacuous union leaders did not wait and see, she knew how to deal with the EU. The trouble was that Scargill and the other unions overestimated their power and support and turned it into a fight to the death, I did read somewhere that right through the miners strike more than 50% of the miners actually turned up for work.
  17. Was it Viz who sent him up with Baxster Basics? At least Edwina liked her eggs.
  18. I like the idea of the Maccy D chicken share box which you can share with your pet chickens.
  19. So it looks like he will be comimg home.
  20. Its seems that fans from all four home nations are upset by England losing to Spain.
  21. Our team did us proud.
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