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Everything posted by Miles

  1. But you have softened.
  2. @Frank is right .. you are weak.
  3. I did not realise that you were ever alive.
  4. An American Bulldog .. the cunts should be sent back to yankee doodle land.
  5. I caught a Just Stop Oil cunt who lives in the next road using Thee-in-One on his pushbike.
  6. A German Mounted Poodle.
  7. I have trouble with flatulence .. even more so when other people fart.
  8. Rest assured @Ape™️ he is stone cold sober when he types all this.
  9. She's fighting "Sleepy Donald".
  10. Tactfully it could be down to her having a white ancestor somewhere in the deep past or the black ancestor slave being owned by Mr Harris. Harris I think is a name of Scottish origin and some of them Scots are pretty dark .. have you not heard of Black Douglas .. he even had a train named after him.
  11. That death in Coventry today was OK as the dog was not a banned breed.
  12. 10 killed in 2 crashes this weekend 4 when a car hit a tree .. what the fuck is happening with these trees stepping in front of cars? 6 killed when a car and motorbike collided.
  13. Drew is a dark horse.
  14. Miles


    Its @ProfB so it won't work.
  15. It was a good export trade for some of the West African countries .. you could sell the surplus offspring .. in the case of the Islamic countries if they had had not been inducted into the religion they were not classed as humans so they were simply objects to be exploited or sold. Most of the slaves that were sold to the US plantation owners were adherants to the old tribal religions and most of them became Christians when they arrived at the plantations.
  16. Miles


    Without mentionng the name of the gentleman arrested for setting fire to the bus there is someone one twatter with the same name and his email address contains the word "fireboy".
  17. About 30 years ago I had a canon top feed printer that used to get paper jams and made a pathetic bleeping noise. One day I got fed up of it and I sorted it for good .. I took it into the kitchen (which had a quarry tile floor) and gave it an assisted passage to the floor .. it fucking took me ages to pick the bits up and chuck them in the bin.
  18. @Eric Cuntman I have just been reading about Beanbag Rounds .. do you use them?
  19. Miles


    I looked up the bus's fleet number .. it was made in Northern Ireland so it was designed to be set on fire and destroyed.
  20. Miles


    Looking at the footage of the bus being prepared to be set on fire some of the rioters looked rather white and to be in the their late 20s or 30s.
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