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Everything posted by Miles

  1. A scandal of international importance where are you @PANZER MURPHY? https://www.itv.com/news/2024-07-26/dublin-wax-museum-pulls-sinead-oconnor-figure-after-criticism
  2. About 30 years ago I was near the cathedral where a lad was doing noisy flips and tricks on a skateboard, nearby was a beggar with a rather large and beefy looking Bully type dog. Suddenly the dog shot out and grabbed the skateboard and the lad went flying .. everybody (including me) started laughing as the poor lad and the beggar tried to get the dog to let go of the skateboard. They will trying half an hour later when I walked away.
  3. Alfred Herbert of the HERBERT company .. popped his clogs in 1957.
  4. My thoughts are that they could make the games more edgy .. I would have the contestants who do not win a medal being forced to fight invincible robotic lions to the death and for all the Spanish athletes to be all forced to fight invincible robotic bulls .. again to the death.
  5. My thoughts are that this is more like what @Decimus looks like in real life.
  6. What puzzled me is that most of those heavy old industrial machines were called "Herbert" .. why not "Fred" or "George"?
  7. You are a good man Harold.
  8. I don't agree with that, although it seems that there was a good reason for the heavy footed copper to be annoyed as a female police officer's nose had been broken .. notably the Greater Manchester Mayor has suggested that there is more to the police actions than is being mentioned by the media. Public transport is not really the place to allow uncontrolled violent behaviour .. I well remember an incident at Crewe Station on a Saturday night back in 1981 where the BT Police extracted six rather belligerent gentlemen from a train who then ran amok on the then platform 5 and two of them tried to get the way with two teenaged girls. What followed was a very messy bloodbath with the two who had, had a go at the girls having their heads nearly beaten to a pulp by two policemen. Another two of the gentleman accosted an old couple and were were dealt with by railway staff .. the two other belligerent gentleman had sensibly retreated behind some "B.R.U.T.E" trolleys where they were kept at bay by post office staff.. These days it would be national news but back in those days it got a single mention in local Evening Sentinel.
  9. Better than running amok on the swamp Fens with six webbed toes trying to catch ducks. Have you got a huge "member"?
  10. I expect that there would have been a similar outrage had someone caught the "mentally ill" gentleman who stabbed the soldier had been stamped on the head. It does strike me that some of these cunts would feel happier and more content with life if they returned to the lands of their fairly recent ancestors rather than living with us barbarian mostly white savages.
  11. His first name is "Farhir", he is from a "hard working" Rochdale family.
  12. Did he fall down the stairs?
  13. My mother liked going to Coventry. She got sent there a lot.
  14. I was at Coventry on Sunday when I was told to go to the area manager,s office and told to phone the nursing home that my father was in .. they told me that he was dead .. the area manager told me to go home on the next train .. he was taken aback when I told him that I would stick to my booked duty .. it was actually three days before Christmas, my father hated Christmas .. we buried him on Christmas Eve.
  15. So Wither's has got an 18" cock? Gullus Rex!
  16. Do you have statistical evidence that it is risky?
  17. It is more hard facts .. you have shown your face, the rest of us are just keyboard warriors, I am not afraid of the drug-addled pot bellied swamp hopper .. I only worry about what the neighbours would think if a angry little toothless ulster-man in a pretend Audi A3 came and knocked on my front door.
  18. @Frank you are not only the best on here but you are also the hardest.
  19. If you like sun, sun sea and stifling hot weather and speak English as your first language Australia is likely to be a good as any place to move to.
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