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Everything posted by Miles

  1. A Tom Daley style reverse "muff" dive.
  2. Mrs Dale's diary was real.
  3. Historically it was the Muslims who captured the slaves who were always non Muslim .. until the early 1800s they also raided countries in Europe including places in England and Ireland .. they kept the best slaves for themselves (including almost all the white ones). The less useful ones they had captured (mostly West Africans) were sold off to non Muslims such as the Americans .. a twist is that some of the West Africans converted to Islam and got in on the racket themselves by capturing their own non Muslims and flogging them off to the Americans. As to the white slaves this is I think discussed in a book title "white gold".
  4. seriously we cannot afford to keep these cunts alive .. they are savages and there is no cure for them other than extermination.
  5. That mad cunt "Charles Bronson" was bought up in Luton.
  6. Claw hammer .. I would leave it to Fender.
  7. I am not a cruel person .. I would euthanise them.
  8. Anyone who follows this vile religion must be mentally ill.
  9. @Hammer of Cunts Its all over Twitter .. illegal migrant who arrived last year claimed he was 17.
  10. Until we get woke-ised robot police officers this sort of thing will continue, yes it should not go unpunished but a danger is that self appointed vigilantes will decide to fill the gap.
  11. I am wondering which of the armed services this "patriot" served in .. or is he simply another thug who would never have been allowed to serve in any of them? Even Adolf Hitler had been a soldier.
  12. Why didn't you come across to say hello .. I was with Tommy?
  13. I can hardly see it being a peaceful protest when you were present.
  14. Have you never skulled a boat Patrick?
  15. I was mugged about 35 years ago .. I had finished a late shift on a Friday night and decided to walk home rather than catch a bus .. t took a usual short cut across some open ground and was jumped on by a a man and girl who tried to snatch my bag, foolishly I tried hang on to my bag and they ot me on the ground where one of them started kicking my head .. I was fully aware what was happening but could not move. They were disturbed and ran off when two railwaymen going home came along. They got caught a couple of night later when they tried to mug someone else elsewhere in the town, this time a man who got the better of them and punched the girl on the nose and got her boyfriend onto the ground and gave him a good kicking. Had they not connected them with the attack on me they police were going prosecute the man that they had tried to rob.
  16. If fact in general it shows what soccer and many other sports have become, once they were clubs but not they are often large commercial corporations with highly paid players. As little as 60 years ago even the most famous soccer clubs were still real clubs with some players being amateurs or semi-professionals.
  17. But it well shews what a farce the Olympics have become.
  18. Bunham's original response was tha there was more it than the smartphone shots that were being posted implied .. he has not backtracked .. the "victim's" solicitor has said that Burnham should not have mentioned the origin video!
  19. My memories of Newark are clouded by seeing a fat teen-aged girl in a miniskirt and clodhopper platform boots walk past chomping away at an apple the size of a big Bramley.
  20. I was wondering if for the next Olympiscssic a new sport of police brutality could introduced? A new entry for this session is fucking break dancing! Why the fuck can't they go back to sack racing!
  21. You have to admit that this was a very well timed distraction from the soldier being stabbed in Kent.
  22. The irony is that he and Woflie both lack restraint.
  23. Actually all the information had been out there before the "peace be upon him" cunts stole the agenda.
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