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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The sad thing is, is that Southport is or was a nice gentile town, not really Scouse or part of Murkyside, there were some nice quaint shops there. Actually what we are seeing would have happened anywhere where there had been a stabbing like this .. even in Surbiton, Solihull or Wilmslow. All this publicity about his name is likely to make if difficult for him to be brought to trial.
  2. God moves in mysterious ways.
  3. Huw has now moved out of the family home.
  4. The reaction to this despicable crime was inevitable regardless of whether the EDL or whoever helped fan the flames using social media. Perhaps we do all need to calm down whilst we try to find out whether some cunt/s radicalised this shit of a 17 years old "child" .. regardless of whether or not he was radicalised I can not see any justification for him being allowed to live afterwards. Back in the 1980s CB radio was used to organise the riots and during 2011 Blackberry messenger was used.
  5. Focus you anger (if you really have any) on the right people .. there are Muslim cunts and apologists on twitter trying to downplay what has happened. Like you they are trying hide behind "respect".
  6. All over twitter .. attacking a mosque, hooded Asian man seen with axe this afternoon .. apologists calling for "calm".
  7. I am out of likes .. no doubt they have moved the stabby cunt to a place a safety if he doesn't get killed he is likely to become someone's little "toy".
  8. Much as I hate Billy, Billy is expressing the real anger that most people feel about the Southport murders and other stabbings committed by this evil Rwandan cunt. By the way a 17 year old is not a child nor should a 17 old be treated as such .. the cunt knew exactly what he was doing.
  9. As I have said he is riddled with guilt.
  10. Tony Benn opposed membership of the EU and showed the EU for what it truly is.
  11. The problem is that the "left" you are talking about is some kind of elite .. they have captured the top edge of the Labour movement but they do not represent the real working class. There is an issue when some of the working class rise to management positions in that they develop a guilt complex about their own attitude when they were working class. There also something else that has happened in parts of what was the civil service and local government where people who were once good and dedicated public servants had their departments sold off or turned unto pretend businesses and the people turned from good public competent public servants into inept and ruthless "business managers an these cunts ironically turn into this "left" that you speak about.
  12. If he is in the line of employment that he claims to be (regional or local government) then he is part of the problem .. riddled with guilt but still going with whatever his llily livered "decision maker" boss is telling him to do .. or perhaps that is where his "Decimus" user name comes from.
  13. It is not just in this country .. there seems to be a collective cowardice for those in both national and local governments throughout the "democratic" countries of the world.
  14. I take it that you have given birth.
  15. It has been confirmed that he is the son of Rwandan immigrants .. a nasty despicable cunt regardless.
  16. This seems especially to affect embalmed corpses in sealed coffins and in effect negates the whole point of embalming in the first place. It also can happen during cremation .. my hope is that I will do the latter and spoil things for those to celebrate my demise. Perhaps this is the reason why weasels go "pop!". https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/corpse-trapped-gas-explode
  17. A third child has just died.
  18. Latest rumour is that the stabby cunt at Southport is offspring of Rwandan immigrants.
  19. I commend the book "THE MIND OF MR J. G. REEDER" to you, especially his dealings with the great Asian criminal mastermind "Las Raal.".
  20. I think the sentence is "Harold is letting his little mind run away with itself"
  21. From Twatter 1) MI5 is our homeland counter terrorist service, not MI6 2) the police statement says ‘born in Cardiff’ 3) the translation of Ali Al-Shakati from Arabic to English is “I have to go to my apartment”. It’s not a name Regardless of who he is and where he comes from there is only one thing that should happen to this cunt.
  22. Is there anychance of you setting up your own forum called Harold's Light Hearted Daily News Review?
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