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Everything posted by Miles

  1. How many of them thought that you were their cheeky little son?
  2. I have just had a letter from my pension fund .. it looks like there is a 20% shortfall .. I am presently looking for a suitable clifftop beauty spot.
  3. Those people vote and that is very much my business .. We should have started building he high speed railway in the 1970s, a simple non electrified line where the interCity 125s could have run on at 150+ miles per hour, during the 1990s we should have electrified that railway. We have a twisted environmental lobby that blissfully ignores where much of the pollution come from (China, India and The US). We sit on some of the finest coal in the world .. yes use a much solar & wind as possible but we could still build a few highly efficient coal powered power stations that could be totally mitigated by other net zero initiatives.
  4. What bothers me is the guilt I am supposed to feel. I am not a patriot but I do like being English and British (British in context of being one of four nationalities of English, Scot, Welsh or IRISH) .. I am not bothered about colour .. simply that you are happy to have been born in the UK and with its history.
  5. It was said that what enraged "Young Fred" Shipman was that he had worked his way up from humble origin yet as he grew older he saw these old cunts and who had inherited most of what they had and yet as he approached 60 he was still not very well off. In his career most of the people he dispatched were actually mercy killings. If you have any female relatives in Blighty ask them to have a wander around some of these Beauty Parlours .. in them you will find plenty of fat hagged faced old biddles spending £50 a week having their nails painted and another £50 on their little darling pooch groomed, few of these old biddies have done a days work in their lives, even their children were farmed out nurseries and boarding schools. One of Shipman's "victims" was a poor worthless soul who paid to go some little known pilgrimage site in Hungary .. reading through the allegedly "worthy" lives of some of his other "victims" and their sense of entitlement from the point of view of a man who worked his way up from a humble working class background and only having his Primrose to go home to you can almost sympathise with him.
  6. There are all sorts of situations that cloud the issue. Some are very well off , one cunt I know who 76s has saving of £250 but only a small private pension of £80 a month. He is scared shitless to eat into that £250k to give himself even another £150 a month, I know other cunts who have fell for the equity release racket. There are lot of very poor pensioners too proud to take things that they are entitled such as pension credit or care allowance. Around where I live are lots of retirement blocks. Some people who live in them are well off and have nice cars most of them though do not have cars or go on cruises.
  7. Did they do a singsong for you before you left?
  8. I have for most of my life been opposed to capital punishment, however I think there are some cases that are "beyond the pale" and there neither a prospect the ever being safe to release or to have any useful function in life. In such cases you are simply keeping an animal trapped in a case. Dogs that kill are euthanised and dogs are not even evil. We need not follow the evil US method .. simply an overdose of morphine would do the job. We also need to rethink these killing committed by mentally ill people who consider that what they have done is somehow justified .. that should be classed as murder rather than manslaughter.
  9. A problem with your narrative is that you do not show tolerance yourself .. you simply show yourself as a typical angry little man.
  11. Peter Mandelson had a Brazilian.
  12. Is that why most doctors used to retire at 60?
  13. Back in the 1970s and early 80s a fiver could mean a kid could have friends all week .. One Sunday evening back in 1965 I found a 10/- note, I had true friends for life until the following Thursday.
  14. I have just been reading about the case of the devout Christian former BBC newsreader .. for a while almost the voice of the UK, certainly one of the most recognisable voices . A man with a very well paid job, a wife and 5 children. Yet he liked to look at illegal sexually explicate picture of young children and teenagers. What the fuck was/is going on in his tiny mind?
  15. They are all the fucking worst .. Devout Muslims, Jews and Christians!
  16. I wish that I had thought of that .. after he comes out of prison he could get a job as a linesman.
  17. Huw has just pleaded guilty .. I expect that he will be on the BBC News later letting us know what the sentence is.
  18. The sad thing is, is that Southport is or was a nice gentile town, not really Scouse or part of Murkyside, there were some nice quaint shops there. Actually what we are seeing would have happened anywhere where there had been a stabbing like this .. even in Surbiton, Solihull or Wilmslow. All this publicity about his name is likely to make if difficult for him to be brought to trial.
  19. God moves in mysterious ways.
  20. Huw has now moved out of the family home.
  21. The reaction to this despicable crime was inevitable regardless of whether the EDL or whoever helped fan the flames using social media. Perhaps we do all need to calm down whilst we try to find out whether some cunt/s radicalised this shit of a 17 years old "child" .. regardless of whether or not he was radicalised I can not see any justification for him being allowed to live afterwards. Back in the 1980s CB radio was used to organise the riots and during 2011 Blackberry messenger was used.
  22. Focus you anger (if you really have any) on the right people .. there are Muslim cunts and apologists on twitter trying to downplay what has happened. Like you they are trying hide behind "respect".
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