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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Love island

    H.O.C. He is Frank although I am now the best on here.
  2. Miles

    Love island

    I am going to be watching you very carefully .. Please DO NOT let me down.
  3. According a DNA check I am about 25% East European Jewish ,, fuck Michael Winner (even if he's dead), will that help?
  4. Miles

    Love island

    That is good to know .. keep up the good work!
  5. Neighbour coughed up what seemed to be a lot of money for an EBAC washing machine but she pointed out that in real terms what she has paid was like paying £250 for one 30 years ago.
  6. Miles

    Love island

    sweaty armpit sniffers most of them.
  7. Does @Ape™️ take lessons from @Wolfie or does @Wolfietake lessons from him?
  8. Miles

    Love island

    You watch it regularly don't you?
  9. Its the penalty for @Wolfie being on here 24/7 .. he is tipping the scales at 35 stone and his arse occupies both front seats of his 4x4 .. the only thing wider is his mouth.
  10. Put that in the freezer and that would feed most people for six weeks.
  11. There is .. what you do is to get some cunt to paddle you across the English Channel to the UK and you get free lunches for life.
  12. They are also likely to be type 2 diabetic on insulin .. diabetic specialist are far too eager to put type 2 diabetic on to insulin with the result that the cunts go back to scoffing cakes and trifles because they know that their blood sugar count can be pushed back to normal with an extra jab of insulin.
  13. No .. yesterday a very fat 60ish bloke (on crutches) and his much slimmer missus got on the train I was on .. his gut stuck out about a foot in front of him, he was about six foot tall and when he sat down he spread across the width of two seats. instantly he got a couple of those one foot long rolls out of a carrier bag and scoffed them down. Oddly him and his missus sounded posh .. public school. I suppose that he was big boned, but seeing him eat made me feel ill. His wife was quite a pleasant sort of woman and could help but wonder why she had not fucked off. TBH I suspect that he was of similar build to Earl of Punkape.
  14. "The experience has left Katie and her partner Jamie traumatised. Jamie waited with Katie through the night and had to sit on the floor because there were no chairs available." Sky missed out the words "strong enough to take her weight" between "no" and "chairs".
  15. She said that she looked "white and clammy" isn't that racist?
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