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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    I would need one .. ask Wolfie.
  2. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    Love is like a violin.
  3. That's Hinkley Point .. they have caught frenchmen with human faces.
  4. Its the empire striking back .. we have had six years of protest by cunts who did not like the referendum result. They have tried everything to have that result overturned including an attempt to intimidate parliament and act not unlike the methods Trump and his supporters tried last year to overturn the result of the 2001 US presidential election. As to Bray .. 50 years ago he would have been quickly shut up. The power is ultimately parliament doing what they are elected to do, not some brain dead fuckwit with high power public address equipment. Nor does it belong to middle class timewasters gluing themselves to what ever can cause the most inconvenience.
  5. I am from the Norf too and know that its "me mum" and not "my mum".
  6. substitute with "me old mucker".
  7. The UK was fucked all those years ago when we joined the then Common Market which morphed in the the EU. Our national identity was weakend and then mostly destroyed. The National Socialist ie the the likes of the SNP and PC crawled out of the woodwork and convinced the limp wristed that they were not racist .. a cunt can proclaim that they are a Welsh or Scottish Nationalist and the left will pour praise on tem but I cannot say that I am an English Nationalist (actually I am not) because they will call me a fascist. What a fucked up world we are living in.
  8. Surely he could fuck off back to Port Talbot and do his shouting there.
  9. You should have taken a super magnet as they are made of stainless steel .. the poor cunt daren't drive an electric car or go anywhere near a washing machine.
  10. Don't forget the black panthers on Exmoor.
  11. That's Billy .. @judgetwiare you King Billy?
  12. You and Wolfie being never wills.
  13. The looks and charisma of Cary Grant and Clarke Gable .. what a bummer! https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/former-hollywood-star-burgled-newcastle-27334191
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