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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    SAS killers

    They fell down the stairs.
  2. I am beginning to like @Ape™️ and I think that he is beginning to like me.
  3. He is 5' 7" which makes him 24" taller than you.
  4. He is heavier than you, you little poof.
  5. Watkins & Doncaster should stuck to making Butterfly nets.
  6. Same with Billy The Flid.
  7. I am with EDF .. they want to install a smart meter but I have told them to fuck off lol.
  8. That would be interesting .. do you have a cock and pullet?
  9. My bets are on Zahawi.
  10. There will be some young lad out there looking to hit it off with a fat older bird.
  11. You are poorly aren't you .. have you called for the nurse?
  12. I said long ago that no matter who was in charge at that time the political outcome for them would not be good and that they would be blamed whether what they'd was right or wrong .. the truth is that Boris was the right man for the job at the time .. a perfect scapegoat. I do hope that history will eventually see him in the context of the time and be kind to him .. a sort of wisest fool in Chrisendom .
  13. The French never wanted the UK to join in the first place and if truth be told they wanted us out .. not out of spite but for practical reasons in that we are more useful to them as we are now. The main issue is that our presence in the EU destabilised it, The Common market and what is now the EU was and is all about keeping Germany under control . In that context we are more useful (to France at least) by being in the background and probably more beneficial for the UK .. So far as the EU (and France) is concerned The Republic of Ireland is just an appendage and an inconvenient one at that. In real terms the UK and France are allies and it easier for both to maintain that relationship without the EU bureaucrats poking their noses in.
  14. He work for Ed in his car wash and car parts sales joint.
  15. Next to Chris Packham's dead poodle.
  16. Our next prime minster could be a kurd.
  17. You have to admit that Roopsie knows more than you do .. not that you know much other than how a throbbing dick feels when it rammed up your arse .. gayboy!
  18. The police officers were showing commendable restraint.
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