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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Where will your loyal companion be whilst you are junketing a 1,000 miles away?
  2. I don't hate dogs .. I just hate the owners that use them as a substitue child or companion.
  3. I bet that in real life you are a cringing dwarf.
  4. You're not an animal lover are you?
  5. Wiffles I will have you know that Withers hates me even more than he hates you .. have a like!
  6. If you think some legal issues in the UK are silly this might make you realise that there are evn worse places https://www.curbed.com/article/kate-gladstone-roommate-west-village-nyc.html
  7. There is also the further issue that in some cases the "fox" that is being let out of the bag is actually someone's dog that has been stolen or a cat.
  8. In a lot of cases the farmers don't actually want these cunts on their land .. you have also got the issue of hare coursers threatening farmers who object to them coming on to their land. My father id not in principle object to fox hunting .. he objected to the damage they caused to crops fences and the disturbance to livestock.
  9. Its lacking those fixed stable homes with mum and dad rather than mum's boyfriend or ever changing set of "uncles". For all their failings (and they both complete and utter cunts) I at least thought I knew who my parents were.
  10. What the fuck is a train station .. is it one of those gym palours where pooftas go to show their abs?
  11. You could probably pull his teeth out with a very strong magnet.
  12. https://www.itv.com/news/2022-08-26/abhorrent-hunting-footage-investigated-by-police
  13. Mind your own fucking business madam.
  14. I might pop up to London tomorrow .. it sounds like fun
  15. Stung by an Eristalis tenax.
  16. I am thinking of heading up north for a couple of weeks .. is there anywhere good for tickling trout?
  17. I honestly cannot imagine the Irish being bigoted or racist.
  18. He could tell that to the marines.
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