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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Whatever his faults might be Carl does not play to the field and currently you have as much life in you as a dead sheep.
  2. Because like most other punters here are better than you and is not a fawning sack of shit trying to please everyone else.
  3. I might be looking for a warm space this Winter .. do you have any suggestions?
  4. Yes that was it. You did not at any time say that the earth was flat. I think that it was also soon after Ducky had let the assault on Stubby.
  5. Miles

    Students today, eh?

    She is a perpetual student 30 years old weighing 18 stone, he's an 18 years old virgin having the piss taken out of him by his peers (most of who ire spite a bragging are either virgins or closet benders). The only way out is to claim that she forced herself on him. TBH we don't know the full background on the women .. is she really a single mother who has got herself registered as a student and is pouncing on anyone young lad who looks to be easy prey?
  6. I do remember exactly what you said and it did not imply that the earth was flat.
  7. Good Morning Ape! What are you throwing .. do you have to throw your helicopters up?
  8. I like you Ape but I would never fuck you
  9. Anger management classes might help you.
  10. We have not reaped vast benefits from Brexit but if you Little Europelanders would get a grip you might see that leave was never about the money.
  11. Good Morning Wolfie babes .. you OK?
  12. Any thoughts about Giorgia Meloni the new prime minister of Italy?
  13. Hey Wolfie Mate .. what's happening?
  14. Its not even a twiglet .. its just Wolfies bad dream.
  15. Good Morning Ape .. are you having a good weekend?
  16. He has got an even newer avatar.
  17. You're the Hog Father Eric .. jews don't do hogs, not even little spikey ones.
  18. Good Evening Ape. Have you had a good day?
  19. Miles

    The woman king

    Good Morning Ape, how are we today?
  20. Area you a roman guard or are you just pleased to see me?
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