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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Richard D Hall

    I always thought that Dr Watson was brighter than Sherlock Holmes .. Mycroft Holmes was a fat cunt.
  2. Miles

    Richard D Hall

    There are lots of points .. this fuckwit say's that he can find no evidence of the arena bombing .. actually there is no obvious evidence of the IRA Manchester bomb either .. could also take you to the exact spot where the Warrington bomb exploded but I could not show you any physical evidence but all three bombing actually happened.
  3. Miles

    Richard D Hall

    I would think that he is more a Daihatsu Charade type of man.
  4. This conspiracy theorist nutjob and slime-ball has been harassing Manchester Arena bombing survivors and claimed that the bombing did not happen. It turn out that the Hall is a market trader from Wales. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63412651
  5. Billy's work as a taxi driver and part time chrismas tree salesman keeps him up until the early hours.
  6. Judge ate and absorbed him.
  7. Medicine Man .. more likely yoor family witch doctor variety .. perhaps Eddie will know.
  8. Hello Judgie Poos .. do you like King Charles?
  9. My guess he was like a lot of them and was only acting the part to get attention.
  10. He was probably a mate of Jimmy Savile.
  11. I have seen Frank's boat .. it is pea green and there is an owl and pussy cat on it.
  12. Gerry Lee Kewis has snuffed it .. I thought that he died years ago.
  13. Decco never lets me down puff.
  14. Swallowtails at Strumpshaw Fen?
  15. Please refer all questions to Decco and keep those questions relevant to the topic title.
  16. Back to the actual topic .. an election now would be the ideal thing. However now that Sunak is in charge it is at least mildly amusing at the reaction of Labour supporter to an Asian getting the top job. In spite there being no Britain First activists or other racist groups rioting on the streets a lot of Labour supporters especially those of Asian extraction are still seeing racism everywhere. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/six-of-the-worst-reactions-to-sunak-as-pm
  17. The irony is that we had better quality coal in our mines.
  18. Rishi goes well with carrots and peas.
  19. The only answer is to rejoin the EU and have direct rule from Brussels. They is no way that this grim comedy can be allowed to continue.
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