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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I think that he's in meltdown.
  2. I wonder what mileage @judgetwi gets out of his 'leccy vehicle?
  3. It was more likely to be something like "slimey little toad".
  4. Miles

    Joe Lycett

    I think that they minced his remains and flushed them down the drain.
  5. Miles

    Joe Lycett

    What is this "same sex" thing .. is it like the milkman having a table ender with Mrs Mablethorpe every day?
  6. There might Asda, Tesco and Wilco as well.
  7. I don't know .. Are there any Trekkies here who might have done so?
  8. Yankland say's that there will be habitats on the moon by the end of the decade.
  9. You are pussying around with the is response Eric.
  10. The newer straight diesels are alledged to be more enviro friendly than new hybrids.
  11. I have heard silly figures such as £1.3k as the vlue of a stolen cat'
  12. Is this from your own personal experience Harold?
  13. Miles

    Hangover Cures

    Not even "rainbow" trout?
  14. Miles

    Hangover Cures

    You missed "taxi driving" between the words "ulsterman" & "cunt".
  15. Sometimes you try to go through my mind.
  16. Rest assured that headbutting the BSI coupler of a stationary Networker Turbo can still be fatal.
  17. I have been talking to a real victim of the system today .. a young lad 23 in a wheelchair and crippled .. he said he stole a motorbike and crashed it into a wall. Said he got no compensation and only gets £20 a day. He tried to sue the owner on the motorbike for leaving it unlocked with keys in it.
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