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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Was it a good fare? Isn't there a river behind your place .. why not jump in it and drown yourself?
  2. I would have thought that two highly qualified, erudite and virile men of the world such as yourselve would have other more entertaining things to do on a Saturday night rather trying to bait old foggies. That is unless things have not yet kicked off in the private hire offices.
  3. It would be 30 seconds at the most .. I never took prisoners. Running time from Hereford to Leominster was about 15 minutes bty. I hope that helps.
  4. I wonder whether he has ever played in a gastic band?
  5. There was a dopey cunt who had a microlight and flew over the depot a couple of times .. he had a home visit was told that if he did it again they would shoot him down.
  6. I remember you well .. you used to cause trouble on the last train of the day from Hereford to Leominster.
  7. Miles

    Kanye West

    That's good .. polystyrere or superglue?
  8. Setting up a charity can be a good racket if you hit on something pull at heartstrings or get people to pay you to talk to them. I know of one cunt who set up a "wildlife charity", and made a nice little earner for himself and a couple of family mambers for a few years before he lost interest.
  9. Back to the topic, Faluni did say somewhere that she was going to dress in african costume with hints that she was going to try to provote a reaction. TBH I have asked quite a number of darker people where they are actually from, not as a racially motiated quaestion but as to their accent, it might be that this is what the old biddy was actually doing but Faluni's response was such that it puhed the biddy into a corner .. do we know Falun's first response to the question? If the olf biddy had said "where are you from?" That might of merieted a slightly negative response, however the old biddy is supposed to have framed the question by asking where she was "actually from" based on how she spoke .. i.e. was she from Bishop's Framton or Giggleswick .. I bet that @Roadkill has been asked that question a few times. Maybe the old biddy should have pulled her neck in bis but Faluni does not win any medals for trying to provoke a reaction that might not have been racist.
  10. Miles

    Kanye West

    It seems that you cannot help yourself from looking like the creepy two-faced little worm that you actually are. Hve a nice day. lol
  11. Miles

    Kanye West

    Idi Amin wanted to erect a statue of Adolf Hitler.
  12. One of the last really big demonstrations was as far back as 2008 I think when the pro hunting (country landowners) lotdescended on London in their hundreds of thousands. I remember the M6 through Cheshire being clogged by some of them going home cica 2100 hours onwarcds .. a claim they made was potential loss of thousands of jobs .. actually loss a couple of hundred part time jobs mostly by people who did not need the money. I seem to think some of those faces appeared at some of the anti mask protests.
  13. Please don't beam me up Scotty 🙈
  14. They all seem to use the GENERAL BARBER banner?
  15. An issue for the chinese is that technology has already reached a stage where improvements to things like computers, phones and cameras have reached the stage where the products of 5 years ago are doing everything that most people need or actually want. We also have the silly issue that bright new trains, cars and etc will sudenly come to a halt and need to reboot .. on the railway it is a very real problem in world where once a fitter with a big screwdriver, big spanner and some duct tape could do a running repair whereas now it often needs someone with the qualification of a scientist to get things running again.
  16. The impression I got was the third jab was more aimed at old foggies like me where take up has probably been higher. You will possibly note that a lot of old foggies are still wearing masks, something I ceased doing after the last lock down.
  17. Not actually targetted at Billiam .. he had a different procedure .. perhaps dealing with issues from his days as a bare knuckle fighter. The issue I have with the Turkey smiles are that it is usually done solely for cosmetic reasons and young people often fall for it.
  18. These adverts are all over social media and some are on posters .. all shewing that perfect smile that you can get for £2500 by travelling to a dentist in Turkey or some east european country of. Often the cost of a flight and a stay in an hotel is included in the price and the offer is promoted as a holiday. What is sad that there is no mention of what they will be doing to what are often perfectly healthy and presentable teeth or a mention of possible after treement issues .. disturbing is that often the people who go for this treament are young people with perfectly presentable teeth nor that the usual result is a smile that looks like they have a very good looking set of false teeth (which is what they actually). We do have a dental specialist on the forum who might like to add their input.
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