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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Is it a Vandan Plas 1500?
  2. This one of your early pressies?
  3. That would put @Last Cunt Standing as being around 130 years old.
  4. Its the thought that counts .. God will remember you.
  5. My first video recorders were Betamax .. also tried V2000 .. was forced onto VHS but used video 8 fopr the camcorders. JVC were cunts.
  6. That more describes you "Albert".
  7. Looking at Macca I suppose that he is trying to provide for his heirs although the cunts do seem to be doing fairly well in their own right just living off who their dad was.
  8. Just that I am now elderly and that VHS was crap.
  9. I lost interest around 30 years ago .. I used to buy the VHS tapes of was it Now that I call it .. whatever. a neighbour said it might be better if we watch a few on their 25 Sony Trinitron telly .. all it did was to show just how shit VHS was.
  10. He's having a wonderful christmas time.
  11. Not half as thick as you .. if you have not twigged that Scotty is a multi who usually climbs back into his coffin.
  12. Thank you for this one Doctor .. (Hopkins’ Constriction). this seems to partly explain what causes the "glare" issue that I usually have for a few days after I have had the periodic injection in one of my eyes
  13. Four two litre bottles of white lightening.
  14. I have asked the Ratfuerer about this in eh.
  15. How did you lose the use of your willy?
  16. Nerys Hughes claims that when she was young her first language was Welsh .. I would have thought that unlikely as she came from Rhyl.
  17. Miles


    What about this, who is this Prince Heinrich cunt ? Festnahmen bei Terror-Razzia – Hauptbeschuldigter ist Adliger aus Frankfurt https://www.hessenschau.de/panorama/festnahmen-bei-terror-razzia--hauptbeschuldigter-ist-adliger-aus-frankfurt-v3,razzia-reichsbuerger-100.html
  18. Fuck off .. Scotty wants to such your cock.
  19. Isn't this the same as blackface?
  20. Just like you Scotty is fully vaccinated by the way .. It seems that most taxi drivers are.
  21. How is the clothes shop doing?
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