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Everything posted by Miles

  1. That is quite interesting .. did he ever think of hitting the home or the end button?
  2. @scotty When i turn my head from side to side I hear a clicking sound .. any ideas?
  3. I am not rattled, as said its just keyboard warriors or in some cases keyboard worriers sic.
  4. Why would I be rattled or paranoid? .. All this is on a computer keyboard.
  5. Nothing like the eyebrows you raise when you walk into the ladies toilets and its not your bellend.
  6. No I smacked you in the gob instead .. fuck off @scotty .. time for you to slip back into Frank's skinny pants.
  7. I was in your mates greasy spoon "cafe" the other day .. all 6' 5" of me when you walked in .. what a spotty little weed you are and the halitosis from your broken gob filled the place.
  8. You're the loser Billy Liar.
  9. Miles

    Mick Lynch RMT

    To quote "The worrying thing here, is that you believe all the bollocks that you write. If only for your own sake, seek professional help.". No need to saything more.
  10. I have watched a couple of interviews with this cunt and whilst I broadly understand the issue, this cunt is at best a fool, rabble rowsar and a dangerous one who will fuck the industry up at a critical time .. and why call a strike if you think that it won't have much effect? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-63993240
  11. Miles

    Four drowned

    Leave him alone .. it looks like he might have mortally wounded Billy the Flid.
  12. Do argos sell argos branded televisions?
  13. Hello @Ape™️ are you tooled up for Christmas?
  14. A fairly simple question for Lynch to answer, but there is the same issue by both sides .. the transport secretary was asked to answer a very simple question about driver only trains but rather than answer the direct question he waffled on about there having been some driver only trains since the 1980s. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-63954617
  15. I think that Billy & Wolfie might be re-incarnations of Mike The Headless Chicken.
  16. Don't much about the background of Mick Lynch .. he looks to be another Bob Crow who I disliked . he had another agenda not related to the industry and and was a rabble rowserI suspect Lynch is much the same. My opinion is not important but it is worth looking at the type of people who have been targetted and recruited into the roles of drivers and what were guards .. generally lower middle class clerical types the conductors/train managers are the type that once would have been a store manager or 9 to 5 officer worker. Also some of the new order have defected from jobs in the NHS and there are also a few former GP and teachers who are now train drivers all people who are plitically aware. The interesting thing is the old retired cunts like myself who have discounted price passes with "protected status" are looked on with aw and respect by this new order of staff.
  17. I wonder whether Frank will do a Christmas video from his deep freeze.
  18. Miles

    Qatar 2022

    Kids, especially white ones are not out plying footie and other sports any more. They can't play in the streets and if they go to the local open spaces old fogies complain about the noise. Part of what I think might be happnening that the african parents are less restrictive and more willing to allow noise and they let their kids play football and other sports pretty much wherever they can. There is also this is of the UK fielding four teams rather than a UK team. We need to stop mollycoddling the kids and also realise that if you have a immense crowd of emmotinal cunts shouting some of the cunts might shout a few naughty words .. get over it and leave the powers of law and order to stop old cunts being mugged etc.
  19. King Heinrich was in court wearing a fucking mask.
  20. There are things in life worth remembering .. Mrs R. is never wrong and Baws is never wrong, LCS might also be right but its all a bit like being bitten by an Horse Fly and the cunt has flown away .. just put some cream on your wounds and sit down quietly.
  21. I once helped someone out who was in a simiar situation, it was only £15. I ended up regreting it as I found out that the old hag concerned did the same trick regularly and always had the means to pay.
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