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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles


    The Enforcer & Magnum Force so far this morning.
  2. Miles

    Maxi Jazz

    Will his box be open on Christmas morning?
  3. It might be a lost tub of lard.
  4. Merry Christmas .. just been speaking to Frank
  5. Brilliant and Dr Fuckwit likes what you have written .. Ape, I have got abosolutely no image of you other than red propellor tips and broken balsa wood. Have you ever thought of getting a life?
  6. I got rid of the television back in 2010. Had one here a year or so back when some relatives were staying wth me but that went with them when they bought the place at Exmouth. I have been thinking of buying one .. I don't think that I will bother.
  7. The shops are full of cunts spending money, Sainsburys, Tesco and Asda are packed and the cafes are full of obese cunts buying lattes and other poncey sugar laden drinks and iced teacakes .. besides which it was never about money .. is Australia joining the EU?
  8. ITV has been pushing this story for several months, it does not seem to have come to anyones attention. The reality is that they are unlikely to ever be allowed to leave those camps. In practical terms the risks to them (and us) is too great. For the news media whether right or left wing they will remain nice little space fillers. Stories to make fuckwits foam at the mouth or to tug the heart stringsof dear old ladies. The sensible thing would be to put them out of our misery .. using the only practical method that would stop people paddling across the English Channel. https://www.itv.com/news/2022-02-07/begum-sells-food-to-pay-for-western-clothes-in-bid-to-distance-from-isis
  9. What about Didcot in front of a non-stop IET doing 125mph?
  10. Are they actually adjoining caravans or a pair of these "pods"? Would the wall be strong enough to mount any kind of television save for those tiny pictureframe varieties?
  11. Miles

    Dutch Slavery

    You are a funny little man.
  12. Infamy you brain fogged clod.
  13. Clarkson is a festering bellend and buffoon who has been made wealthy and famous by the BBC.
  14. Miles

    Dutch Slavery

    Have you got the figures for that and the proof?
  15. In a perfect world I would repatriate her to the UK and let her face justice but that is unlikely to end well .. perhaps asylum in Rwanda might be an idea.
  16. Miles

    Dutch Slavery

    Another country with a far worse historical record than the UK and proof that William & Mary were cunts. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63993283 https://dutchreview.com/featured/dutch-slavery-our-dark-past/ https://www.expatica.com/nl/general/dutch-slavery-apology-plan-draws-criticism-441986/
  17. There was a Burma campaign veteran who lived down the road from my parents, he hated the Japs until the day he died.
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