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Everything posted by Miles

  1. At least it wouldn't be a French make.
  2. This morning I had a dose of constipation and it took me about four hours and a lot of strength to clear it .. think that syncronised crapping could a new Olympic "sport" .. it would likely need the contestants to have several days of a cheese only diet over the previous week or so.
  3. If child hung himself like a sloth the tree branch would break off.
  4. This looks complicated.
  5. I have just been setting up a Windoze 11 PC .. I am now considering dousing it with petrol and setting it alight.
  6. Now we have yet another stabbing with this time a Romanian national arrested .. an 11 years old girl was seized in a headlock and stabbed 11 times .. her mother was also stabbed .. seemingly they were tourists visiting Leicester Square in London and were unknown to the assailant. Doubtless the young girl gave the stabber a "dirty look".
  7. Assbook and Twatter are also idle companies .. twatter is struggling due to the gormless penny pinching of its new owner .. Assbook i still profitable but cares little for the people it encourages to advertise with it. I local artist I know was doing fairly by posing some of his work on his Assbook feed. He got the usual invite from Assbook to make his posts sponsored to reach out to more people, I advised him not to fall for this ploy sadly he ignored my advice .. Yes he reached out to more people, the trouble was that most of those people did not want his sponsored posts flooding their timelines, and he actually received little in the way of more sales and has now spotted some of his work being resold by others as their own work.
  8. In a world where old people read and believe every word printed in the daily mail and are amused by cartoons drawn by cartoonists who draw to order and lack a conscience there is little hope. the social media companies are of course not social.
  9. 30 years of front-line service in the UK and some of them have been in Bulgaria for around 15 years.
  10. He's warming to you.
  11. These "Anti Racists with the "Migrants Welcome" banners need also to be challenged .. it is deliberate provocation and regardless of what side you are on it is not even in the interests of the would be illegal migrants themselves or the settled incomers. It is said that Scots are more comfortable about migrants, but those pushing for an independent Scotland do aspire to Scots in England and elsewhere to return to an independent Scotland .. but how many Scots would return and how soon could it be before an independent Scotland was overwhelmed by non-Scottish migrants? .. look what is happening in The Irish Republic .. does that tally with what is being spouted by the current Northern Ireland First Minister? In the rest of of the UK is does not matter whether or not the indigenous (or much of the settled incomer population) in concerned about uncontrolled immigration .. what matters is that they are concerned and the powers that be appear to be dong little or nothing to allay their fears.
  12. Miles


    Too little too late.
  13. Miles


    How many kids can a goat header look after?
  14. Most of the Class 87s are now in Bulgaria.
  15. British Rail Class 87 electric locomotive you could even do wheel spins with them.
  16. Miles

    Riots in UK

    Poor old Decco is like a wee child in a sweet shop.
  17. The real question is what would you and your "friends" do with your time .. there is more to life than sniffing lines of fairy dust.
  18. Grizzlies and Polar bears are closely related .. Belugas often have scars from polar bear attacks .. belugas will break through thinner ice to breathe and polar bears know this and will lie in wait they will then try to tear off a chunk of meat with their claws and often succeed.
  19. He's measuring him for a ready to wear suit.
  20. The leopard was processing things visually and knew what it was doing .. cats behave a bit like an autistic person .. I suspect that they plan things.
  21. It started like a household tabby preparing to tease wolfie.
  22. A bit of advice .. if you start hanging around with the boys club stick to drinking hornymans tea.
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