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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Actually I have been told that Drew is totally leathered at the moment and I have been sent this pic of him.
  2. I found an agg in the nature reserve at Dawlish Warren a couple of weeks ago .. I am told that it comes from some game bird called a golf.
  3. Eric has only got one finger.
  4. Just testing that you are awake my deersic friend
  5. A number of the men named by this cow were not asian.
  6. She wanted Justice for Ellie and she has got justice. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-64950862
  7. I don't think that Booth's would allow the likes of @Jake The Muss or @Dyslexic cnut in thier store.
  8. Miles

    Robbie Williams

    Moon Shadow! Moon Shadow!
  9. Miles

    Robbie Williams

    Are you my moon shadow?
  10. Miles


    Kleftivo is lovely.
  11. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    Self analylis is only of benefit if you put what you have learned into practice.
  12. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    So this is what a polished turd looks and sound like..
  13. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    Don't put yourself down friend.
  14. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    Doc & Liniker are both missing the fact that the holocaust mostly involved jews who were indiginous Europeans .. many were born German and had been born to be proud to be German and were patriots, many of those had fought for Germany in the first world war. There is simply no comparison to what happened to them and how we are treating there people being paddled across the channel.
  15. Miles

    Robbie Williams

    Has Cat Stevens come back as an ass?
  16. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    To me he looks like a slimey, lazy cunt who need a wash and shave .. that alone should be enough to get him the sack.
  17. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    Its dog owners that I hate, the failure of all too many to train their pet. Cunts who wander about talking into their mobile phones whilst "walking" with their dogs unleashed and neither knowing or even caring whether their dog is following them or even knowing what it is doing.
  18. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    It would probably be more interesting and amusing .. she could them host Have I Got News For You .. bring it on!
  19. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    I disagree with you on many things but a harsh truth is that we simply have no room or means to accomodate these people coming across the channel. In simple terms the government have no alternative but to do everything possible to try to stop these people and what they are doing does not compare with what the nazis did. Linerker and his fellow presenters and pundits should be ashamed of themselves and remember who actually pays for their wages and if that is a problem for them they should resign.
  20. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    Its about him taking adcantage of the his jobs with the BBC have given him to amplify his own personal opinions on matters with little relevance to his job ,, at the end of the day he is an average cunt from Leicester who has done well for himself by doing a job paid for by Joe Public after he retired as a fairly average football player.
  21. Miles

    Gary Lineker

    It is not really about what his opinions are .. he has every right to say what he has said but he and the other celebrity cunts should not be immune form the consequences. Far too many of these cunts have been in cushy jobs for too long, Chris Packham is another one even "national treasure" David Attenborough, newreaders well past their sell by dates and they freeze out newcomers. Clear the decks and let in some fresh air regardess of their opinions left or right.
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