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Everything posted by Miles

  1. She wished that there more broadcasters like Jimmy Saville 🤣.
  2. Miles

    Oscar Pistorius

    Told you so, his bid has collapsed,
  3. Let us hope that this cunt gets an appropiate welcome in the prison showers now that he has been found guilty of the murder of Olivia Pratt-Korbel.
  4. Miles

    Oscar Pistorius

    He has applied for parole .. I doubt that he'll get it, the cunt still doesn't have a leg to stand on.
  5. I would hate it if you didn't like me.
  6. I am paying 10 quid a month just to see your posts.
  7. Miles


    TBH if you said that in a local Clydebank accent they probable thought you said Glaswegien.
  8. I always saw him more as a rocker* who had gone all religious . sorry 'baws .. the temptation was too much.
  9. I thought that he bit through whem with his stainless steel teeth.
  10. Jake has lost contact with his probation officer.
  11. Miles


    It is not just lefties but quite a few righties too .. they appear to be unable to corrolate many things .. the British (especially the English) are despised and blamed for the world's problems yet the cunts are still dying to come and live here whatever the risk. Now that Scotland has a muslim leader many of them will be flocking there as they will be welcomed with open arms ( @Cuntybaws and @Rev will be able to confirm this.) .. as to the issue of us already being an overcrowded island and thus there is no room for the migrants the stock reply is "you can't say that".
  12. It is not as if there all that many double perambulators annoying as they might be .. posh people do also have twin babies that wail .. I imagine that you also have a vacant look about you .. have you discussed your anger issues and claw hammer fixation with your probation officer?
  13. Nutkins was renowned for his natural ebullience and unruly hair style.
  14. Miles


    That is of course an option but the real answer is to stop them seeing the UK as a an option and thus not head here in the first place ,, we need also to find out exactly who these cunts with the posters saying that "immgrants are welcome" and if they are in fact triggering the influx of the illegal (unwelcome ) migrants it is obvious that the so called "far right" retoric is not either getting through to them or discouraing them.
  15. Miles


    Asylum seeker in Newquay hotel 'prison' regrets UK move https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-65054731 I am not looking at any of the anti racial or LGBT issues here .. this one arrived at Gatwick .. more it is why they are thinking that the UK is a good destination in the first place. The best way to deal with the illegal attempts in the first place is so that there are no boats or migrant to turn back. I suspect that many of them do know that there will be problems but that in some way they will overcome the problems and be allowed to remain and live in the UK. I dod suspect that some of these well meaning but foolish people are a big part of the issue .. Kernow (Cornwall) in many ways is one of the most bigotted and hostile pleces to outsiders in the UK .. many of the locals cannot get a place to live let alone accommodate newcomers so who the fuck are these protesters? An issue must be that people like "Chris" are thinking that they will be welcome after all .. in some cases I do wonder whether some of these protesters are aiding the people smugglers.
  16. Reported .. suggestion of bestiality.
  17. Well .. are you a teenager? .. @Wolfie is only asking.
  18. Good Evening @Ape™️ have you had a good day?
  19. Can't you sleep @Ape™️ ?
  20. This reminds me that I have not said Good Evening @Ape™️lately.
  21. You could do it .. go to Beachy Head and walk resolutely towards France.
  22. Would you please walk to the horizon and step over the edge.
  23. No he isn't but you are brain stem dead.
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