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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I would rather that you killed yourself.
  2. Infamy is what he aspires to.
  3. Would he need to adapt one of his helicopter remote contols to use his Davros chair?
  4. Drought prompts French ban on garden swimming pools https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65494306 "The Pyrénées-Orientales is a department that has not known a full day of rain in over a year. When you are in a crisis like this, it is really quite simple: it's drinking water and nothing else.
  5. Seven years of pure comedy gold from yourself along with Therasa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak plus Last Cunt Standing banging his head against the wall .. who could ask for more?
  6. Don't forget what happened Noddy's golliwogs.
  7. Isn't this a rather measely, weasely comment?
  8. "I couldn't believe this was happening on my subway in my city that I grew up in," he told BBC's US partner, CBS News. It appears that the report actually comes from CBS News .. Calm down and go back to sleep.
  9. God does not exist.
  10. What are your thoughts on this .. reported on RTE an' nall an' nall? https://www.rte.ie/news/uk/2023/0430/1380022-lizz-truss/
  11. I do not regret voting leave brcause in my opinion we sould never have joined in the first place .. I agree with pretty much all of what you say .. we are an island offshoot of Europe, what causes the problem is the lack of a land border .. much same as the problem Ireland has with the rest of the British Isles. The real long term problem is education .. yes we need more practical and technical skills to be taught we also need at least one foreign language to be taught in all British Schools and in English schools at least one other inidigenous language to be taught. For those progressing to further education courses on practical, techinical and other scientific subjects should be free .. less useful subjects such as reliion and classics, drama and the like should be paid for. We also need to eliminate woke-ism from education. Slavery is wrong but making formal apologies on a national level is also wrong. it will not improve anyone's lot, all the statues, street, school and other building names should left in place and any cunt who damages them should be prosecuted .. history is history and most of the cunts are long dead. As to religion .. it should be a free for and none of them should be protected by law .. in practical terms I can call a christian a cunt for being a christian and we should be able call a muslim a cunt for being a muslim and the same for any other faith they are all cunts. Oh and fuck off. lol
  12. They wouldn't have seen me you fuckwit because it never fucking happened .. now go back to polishing your alpacas lol.
  13. Fender about 30 years ago I was in a traffic queue at some lights behind Maggie and Dennis Thatcher who were in their Jag, she was in the driving seat and signalling to turn right but when the lights changed she just drove straight on .. I was not surprised at that as she had once said that "the lady was not for turning".
  14. Miles

    Dr Who

    I heard some blatant racism this afternoon Eric .. black girl sitting hand in hand with white boyfriend at the harbour.. three black women walked up to them and told her that she was showing off and that if she had kids with the white bastard the kids would be black anyway.
  15. I'm thinking that the roads will be quiet just like they were hen they buried Diana.
  16. Miles

    Ronnie O'Sullivan

    Are you trying to tell us that you are a public school educated hooray Henry .. are you the real Jacob Rees-Mogg? @Earl of Punkape should be told.
  17. Are you feeling contrapuntaled?
  18. Do you also play crown green bowling?
  19. I expect that you look like an alpaca.
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