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Everything posted by Miles

  1. This reminds me of a day back int he late 1960s when I saw a 30ish very fat circa 25 stone woman come of a shop with a load of shopping and strap it to the back of what I think was a 50cc mobylette moped and then ride off along a road that rose about 400 feet in a couple of miles, everyone could hear that moped struggle up the hill for at least 15 minutes. I was told that she kept house for her widowed dad they lived in a cottage at the top of the hill. I did wonder how she safely made it down that hill because I am sure that the oped's brake would never stop her weight. I saw the same woman about 15 years later at the same shop, by that time she was oozing in and out of a Fiat 126.
  2. Miles


    Have you had another acid afternoon?
  3. Miles


    A very typical response from an acid junkie .. is your life really so bad? .. Look what its done to @Ape™️ along with the glue sniffing.
  4. Miles


    That's good to know .. what are your thoughts about the swamp adder's acid trips?
  5. Miles


    Just been reading about his Acid trips .. I wonder if Ape are acid fuelled as well.
  6. Miles


    Good Evening BLOSSOM
  7. Miles


    I would rather kill you.
  8. Miles


    Two phones a Samsung on O2 and a Huawei on Vodaphone .. do you deal in dope?
  9. Miles


    I have just had the usual monthly message on one of my smartphones saying "Great News you have now got a new £15 monthly balance". Whilst this is good to know it is hardly "Great News". Surely being left £5million by an unknown aunt or winning £5million on the National Lottery or learning that an itinerant pizza delivery man who was born in Ulster had lost his false teeth would be "Great News" .. Do any of you have thoughts on this "Great News" balderdash?
  10. To be honest if they are enjoying the game I do not see any problem with this so called "hawkeye" hand clapping.
  11. Those long bans were actually a cover for you serving prison sentences weren't they? .. You do actually know that Drew is as honest as the day is long and does not touch alcohol.
  12. Miles

    Donald trump

    In the election that The Donald "won" Hillary Clinton actually got 2 million more of the popular votes than The Donald.
  13. He imagines that there are questions to answer when there are no questions.
  14. You and @Wolfieare affected by softening of the brain and paranoia aren't you?
  15. That's @Wolfie deleting all those needless commas.
  16. Don't you you get long bouts of tiredness when you let your imagination run wild?
  17. This resomatedsic with you didn't it petal?
  18. At least his mummy loved him, that must count for something.
  19. Good Morning Master Goosefeathers .. are you flying today?
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-66073728
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