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  1. "Sun Arise" in the top ten 60 years ago.
  2. Old Huw is up for sentencing today .. 5 years in chokey?
  3. What about pisces or or Leo? .. Hitler was into astrology (and he was a bumboy).
  4. He doesn't think .. he simply twitches when an electrical current is applied to his brain stem.
  5. They could bomb those inflatable boats that keep crossing the channel.
  6. Are you posting from your 1998 NEC cell phone?
  7. At least he doesn't work for Everi.
  8. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    I had seven siblings all bar one are dead .. a not unique situation when the youngest (myself was 21 years younger than the eldest). I had parents too. Are you a figment of my imagination .. are you of African or European extract or are you making things up about you racial identity? I have actually told you by pm re my deceased sisters and their funeral details. Have you never lost a sibling? Do you call all people who have lost siblings liars?
  9. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    So you are Gallus Rex?
  10. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    A puzzle in the news today is that 8 migrants have died in the channel overnight .. I find this misleading as there are no reports of people falling overboard from advertised passenger vessels .. rather that these people have died have fallen from illegal small dingies .. surely they were actually people illegally attempting to enter the uk?
  11. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    Careful BOY you'll be Deported.
  12. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    I have explained to some of them that they are English but they are simple country yokels.
  13. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    Its Pensans now .. they spell it in Cornish.
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