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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 18 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

    Choose death. Choose hanging purple faced in some shit stained shed. Choose flailing and screaming off Waverley bridge. Choose inhaling the contents of a deep fat fryer. Choose drowning, immolation, shooting oneself up the hoop, choose drinking a pint of superglue just before reading something hilarious by me.

    Suck my dick. Choose aids.


    Your mum would be so proud, Quincy.

  2. On 17/02/2017 at 3:19 PM, scotty said:

    He's right though, blair is a fucking cunt. It's mind-boggling that the grinning fucker thinks he can dictate to this country any more, and for blair of all people to suggest that widespread public protests ought to have an effect on a government agenda... words fail me.

    Spot-on, scotty. He's too arrogant to acknowledge much of the damage leading to Brexit was his doing in the first place – and now he's faced with tidying his own trail of excrement.

    I wish Blair and his corrupt wife would attract the 'attentions' of certain organisations. It couldn't come too soon. 

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  3. 51 minutes ago, Snatch said:

    I think you'll find that the electrics are made in Japan,a lot of parts in Taiwan and an EVO engine that was designed by Porsche because the Yanks are too thick to design an air cooled V-Twin motor from aluminium.

    A lot of imported parts that are just put together in Milwaukee.

    The American dream? Load of shite.

    Concurred. Take the archetypal Ford Transit: put together in Britain with imported components from China and South Africa. Not so British after all.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    '...I have no direct experience of mass immigration. I don't live in a densely populated part of the country and it's not particularly diverse.'

    Why, therefore, are you so critical of others whose lives are very much affected by immigration, and wish to argue against it, especially as you have little experience of such matters? Do you think your political bias might change if your life, like mine and millions of other native Britons, was influenced negatively as such? Your opinion is valid, of course. You're a UK national and you pay taxes.

  5. 2 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    1. I'm currently based in Suffolk, and I can say that commuting from here to & through London on the A12 can at times be bumper-to-bumper with possibly people/drivers as your own place experiences. The M25 is even worse, however though I disapprove of foreigners driving here in clapped-out shit-wagons, puffing with smog, your eyes should be on the road you arse-hole, and not playing count the cunt whilst at the wheel. 

    2. I cannot answer for Dec, but since I have been here in Suffolk, I've received on-going treatment at the hospital here. The corridors of the hospital are swarmed with foreign looking people who may or may not have residential status. Their presence obviously milks the NHS but added to this are the amount of  STAFF that are foreign, and that is cause of greater concern.  

    I make it no secret on here that I am sick to the teeth of immigrants which are having a greater devastating affect on all of us, and not just those who reside in Norfolk or travel from Essex to London, counting cunts at the wheel.

    Which Suffolk-based psychiatric hospital is it you regularly attend?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I used to rent a flat above a shop owned by a Pakistani couple. They drove around in one of those long wheelbase Mercedes vans owned by the guys grandfather and they both only had provisional licences. Got evicted when one of them got caught driving it and tried to say they thought it was perfectly legal to drive with a provisional as long as the van was insured by the grandfather. It might have worked if the dumb bastards hadn't been caught doing the same thing five years ago and gave the same excuse. They had to sell the shop and flat because they couldn't run the business properly using the bus.

    Saw the wife the other day at the petrol station driving a Micra. Apparently her husband went through the effort of getting a real license and she was just "borrowing" the car on her most definitely expired by now provisional to fill it up.

    Still, up here about 75% of people start driving at age 5 so it wasn't too unusual.

    This scenario is no longer unusual, and is sadly becoming all too commonplace. People from countries such as Pakistan have very slack driving and vehicle licence laws, which means they're willing to take risks when they arrive in the UK. The bureaucracy in this country means such illegal road-users operating under the banner of legal immigrants push others' insurance premiums sky-high. Roads are much more dangerous, too, which sheer volume of traffic has much to do with. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Pull your pants up and take your hand off of your tiddler, you excitable little cunt. 

    There's absolutely no need to get all worked up about this for the 678th time this week. You'll never live to see the white majority here fall below 70% because you'll be dead within 20 years, you disgusting old faggot.

    I hope they build a mosque on top of your paupers grave.

    Decimus: it is not my intention to create an argument with you, not at all. Your adversarial skills would undoubtedly prove more than I could possibly handle. I have some questions concerning your pro-immigration stance, however:

    1) Yesterday, it typically took me over six hours to drive from north Essex to northwest London and back (just 55 miles each way), much via the A406 North Circular. In 2008, when our business started, the same journey consistently took myself or one of my colleagues less than four hours. This cannot be uniquely because of an increasing native British population. Nowadays, many (as much as 40%) of cars you see on the A406 are in particularly poor condition, have foreign number plates, and – in my opinion – are driven my people who have not lived in Britain for more than a couple of years. Many don't speak English. The first criteria here (poor vehicle quality) has pushed our insurance premiums up by more than 65% in the past decade, because many are not insured legally. Hence, how do traffic problems and such expenses borne from UK immigration affect your life in predominantly white, rural Norfolk? Has the traffic we experience in Essex and London, much because of ongoing immigration, had a significant impact on your daily routine and job? 

    2) I busted my leg years ago, and sadly still suffering the legacy of the injury. For this reason, such is the increasing level of NHS consultant waiting lists nowadays for non-emergency orthopaedic surgery, I decided to opt for a private health insurance scheme some years ago, realising then how it could benefit me further down the line. No pun intended, but it has cost me an arm and a leg. In my opinion therefore, waiting lists in north London and Essex, more than other parts of the country, have been notably affected by not just an increasing indigenous population but also by immigration during this time. Norfolk has a very small immigrant demographic and minor influx as such, as indeed does your native Scotland. Thus, how has this affected you, to warrant such spirited pro-immigration political ideals?


  8. 3 hours ago, Manky said:

    OK. Enough of the shit. How come the mega-rich countries like Saudi Arabia or Kuwait don't take in all these highly educated and skilled doctors and engineers who also share a set of values with them?

    Because they know what they really are and don't fucking want them.

    As long as the Western people will carry on giving, the cunts will keep on taking. On a small island that could sustain maybe 50 million people, it is virtual suicide to allow economic liabilities to wander in at will.

    I expect the majority of people in this country feel this way but are scared of saying so because of the vitriol and hate poured upon them by some of our enlightened fellow countrymen.

    This is not rabid right wing ideology, it is simple practically

    While I agree with your sentiment, despite being a (an alleged) digusting old faggot, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait et al. simply don't have the demographic to warrant so many educated and skilled doctors and engineers. (Besides, the UK has more paupers graves.)

    Those who do work in places such as Riyadh or Dubai are the very best from Western Europe, hence their desire to fulfil the best possible salaries.

  9. 20 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

    'I once shared a flat with two Australian birds. They were a pair of loud, crass, annoying, braying fucking slags...'

    I bet their retrospective description of you included something like 'he was such a quiet, modest, reserved and polite gentleman... the quintessential Pommy poofter. We often got pissed on cheap lager and threatened to shite in his mouth, which deeply offended Quincy's fragile soul'.

    • Like 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

    No daft cunt here, Penelope. This particular spud will never go off the boil. Rather like a piece of art that looks shit, its value lies with the artist who created it, cue Kevin Abosch. Some of Vincent van Gogh's 'masterpieces' look as though a six-year-old drank his dad's beers and put brush to canvas. Whoever was lucky enough to buy this will undoubtedly double its value very soon indeed.

    I hope you're good-looking in the flesh, because this could be your best attribute.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    To which I say, right wing cunts seem way more triggered than the people they constantly claim are triggered. This was also the point of the post you quoted, but you were clearly too thick to pick up on that.

    You don't like to be challenged, do you? Those erring to the left who consider themselves 'liberal' are open to ideas and debate, fascists are not. Which do you consider yourself to be?

  12. 1 minute ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    Oh look at you demonstrating the new lexicon you picked up trawling through the Breitbart comments section. Right wing cunts are the most triggered cunts on this planet.

    Person: "Maybe you shouldn't call them faggots and darkies any more is it is slightly offensive, antagonistic language?"

    Right wing cunt: "Oh my god! PC Brigade trying to take away my free speech! My personal liberty! My freedom as a sovereign citizen! Its a lefty Police State! Help I'm being stifled by the Trotskyites! Censorship! Who is sticking up for the white middle class men?".


    Nobody seems to want to pretend at being a victim more than right wing men aged 40+. 

    I think you just demonstrated Gong's point rather well.

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