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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    That cunt had an easy route to legend status. Won the world title twenty odd times, but in that era there were only half a dozen pro snooker players and they were fat old men bumbling around with pints of Guinness. Ray Reardon was the first truly professional player, Alex Higgins had phenomenal talent but alcohol prevented him from realising his potential. Along came Davis and Hendry, and then O'Sullivan who is without doubt the Greatest ever to wield a leather tipped broom handle.

    Absolutely spot-on, Eric. These days I miss Michaela Tabb, who did much to promote the women's side of snooker. I know she was fond of players sinking the pink before a deep-screw for the brown.  

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Welsh_cunt said:

    users are pretty thin skinned now and they like abusing me and making sheep innuendos. There seem to be a lot with anger management problems but they're easily offended which amuses me. Just my take on things.

    You are right, and everyone else is wrong. This of course is demonstrated by your current feedback score.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Manky said:

    Every time I upload my photo onto Elite Singles, it changes to one of George Clooney. Strange that, must get it fixed.

    I can't imagine they'd be disappointed in the flesh, not with your personality.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Manky said:

    A thick cunt would look at the list of members currently active.

    You'd think so, wouldn't you? Let's give the benefit of the doubt and assume his computer failed at that very moment, because it's been overloaded with images of fat birds with big tits from dating sites.

  5. 46 minutes ago, applescruff14 said:

    I miss my tradesman days.

    We've got the Ashes and that's all that matters.

    What a shame, therefore, your chippy pals didn't build a coffin for your dimensions and set the fucking thing on fire. Christ, you really are a tedious, attention-seeking helmet.

  6. 12 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

    Things have changed eavens. Time was we were all up in arms about stuff like the poll tax and MPs claiming expenses for their duck pond. The amount of pissing of tax payers money more recently, wasted on the EU cunts is probably unprecedented and we can't afford it. Blair wants to increase that cost. It doesn't make sense. Plus, he's a jail dodging warmongering cunt.

    Don't be silly, nobgob. As 'eavens points out, Blair would have 'gone down as one of the best leaders of this country' had diseased bovines and a car crash in Paris not blighted his ability to run the country properly.   

  7. 2 hours ago, Ape said:

    Eddie, you know absolutely nothing about me or my life. Why you and your little sidekick think that going on about caravans and beans is in some way insulting to me is, frankly, laughable. Still, if it amuses you then crack on.


    The date on the watch looks like it reads the 15th. You've planning this upload for a couple of days, haven't you?

    • Like 1
  8. On 18/02/2017 at 0:40 PM, 'eavensabove said:

    I'm probably in the minority here. Nobody can forgive him and his cronies for the war with Iraq, and many suffered under his leadership, BUT those of us who had to live through Thatcher and Major, were fucking glad for a change and I cannot see the then Tory's walking away from any conflict with Saddam. What would May have done? Particularly now with Trump at the helm! Blair's manifesto was in essence a pretty good one as manifesto's go, and I strongly believe that if he had the chance to stick with it then he would have gone down as one of the best leaders of this country. Ever.  No Prime Minister can envisage what he had to deal with and without any warning. The cow disease and Diana's death for example, almost tore this county apart and HE had to deal with it. These things alone side-tracked him from what I believe were his principle ideas.  As for him today and now? He's a cunt.

    I'll award you a D-grade for your GCSE politics, 'eavens. If I were you, I'd stick your newfangled status of trying to compose rhymes which rim-clean the arseholes of those you were despised by just a short while ago.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

    Before withers tells me that his grapes produce the best wine in the history of the world, and IKTC informs me I'm Welsh and his mansion backs on to a vineyard, I'm going to take a second out of my busy day to dish out a cunting to the stupid fucking poncey cunts who, when dining out and are offered to try the wine by a disinterested waiter who's just wanked into the risotto, pretend like they are a Master Sommelier, swill the vinegar around in their gob and then claim "mmmm, yes that's great", as if they've just sampled a drop of heavenly wine with a bouquet to die for. 

    Never mind that the fucking wine is a screw top and one school of thought is that the tasting is done to determine whether it's been corked or not. 

    Another is that it was customary for the master or host to drink first to display the wine is safe and poison free for his guests. 

    What a load of fucking tosh. Fuck off to your pizza express, order your £12 bottle of piss and die, you stupid little cunts. 

    I also hate Rioja.

    Fuck off you primitive, unsophisticated, lager-swilling, Sports Direct-swathed Welsh hick.

  10. On 18/02/2017 at 1:05 AM, The Beast said:

    This man really is based at the arsehole of politics. If he really wanted a mission to achieve something for the ordinary cunt, he could start campaigning for the NHS or decent social care for frail, vulnerable older people.

    Not a chance. It begs the question who is collaborating with him and where all the dosh is coming from. At least the cunt is so far gone he is seen as a total irrelevance, albeit a hugely fucking annoying one.

    The corrupt, lying, war-mongering Scottish wanker is a fucking disgrace. Social care and the NHS suffered terribly under his government's 'stewardship', during which time he managed to cause more irreparable damage to this country than any other PM in recent history. I am ashamed to be part of a Britain that invaded and murdered – and kissed George W Bush's arse – under his semi-dictatorial dominion. Do the arseholes who voted him to power ever stop to think just why so much home-grown Islamic terrorism has managed to manifest itself in such a short space of time? 

    One day, I'll be joining the millions of others in the streets celebrating his death, which will hopefully come sooner than later.

    • Like 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, applescruff14 said:

    The job is going to go, I've had two massive changes to my job which is going to spell the end, it's just a case of when, it's deja vu from 5 years ago.


    You could help insomniacs cure their problem.

  12. Just now, Drew P Pissflaps said:

    Oh yes. I nearly forgot about his manta ray mouthed wife. I wonder if her dentist has ever asked her to "open wide"

    Her dentist is probably the only person who, other than Tony, would wish to give the old boot a filling.

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