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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Well-done for the upload, Snatch. Katie Hopkins is brilliant. The woman exemplifies one of the last bastions of free-speech in this country, and it won't be long before the PC 'liberals' shut her kind up for good. If ever she goes for PM, she'll get my vote.

    As for Blair, what right has he got to preach about 'misinformation' being fed to the British public? Once again, the sheer arrogance of the lying rectum masks his ability to see the hypocrisy in his comments. People voted in favour of Brexit precisely because of the conditions his fucking cabinet created. 

    Every time I see the economically incompetent tosser's smarmy, insincere face, the only positive thing in the back of my mind is that, each night, he has to climb into bed with the sort of woman you'd still have enough sense to not hand your phone number to even after a pack of Valium and three bottles of vodka.

    What a bastard. 

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

    I reckon she's the sort to wipe east to west, i.e. shit smeared all over her legs and fingers. I'm sure yould be happy to spring out, licking the shite up while jizzing in her cum-blinking eyes. Amen.

    Scat fetish, Quincy? You must use a dozen different passwords so your partner doesn't see how much of a filthy little clandestine scumbag you really are. I bet when he's gone to bed, you creep downstairs, donning a fresh set of Marigolds and Tesco Value toilet roll, and log-on to the internet's most sleazy, dark and embarrassing sex sites to wank yourself silly until you literally catch fire.

    Fuck off, you great big wad of inept, benign spunk.

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

    Guantanamo Bay is a gift to terrorists like ISIS and should really be renamed the Islamist Terrorist Recruitment Centre. Nobody knows how many of the people put in this revolting modern day concentration camp really were a threat to us, but it's a pretty good bet that some were and some weren't. You can't claim to occupy the moral high ground when you torture people held without trial and you can't  call your country the land of the free either when freedom can be taken away on a whim, not even if bizarrely you rename chips Freedom Fries. Obama was unable to deliver fully on his promise to close it because of the way the American political system works, and with the Orange Buffoon in charge it isn't going to happen any time soon. We will all pay the price.

    Christ Rick, for once I wholly agree with something you've said. You've brought out the fucking pussy in me.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

    I like the fact that it takes both his arms and a leg to counterbalance his gut.

    You're being discriminatory against obese people, Rick. I'm sure your fellow BBC-watching, Guardian-reading, hairy, lesbian, pro-immigration, pro-Blair, anti-Trump, BO-infused, feminist, misandrist, do-gooding enthusiasts will be almost as disappointed as me. Shame on you, bigot. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, Punkape said:

    You are a blind fuckwit.

    Have another look at the order of my points.

    The current Pope is not homosexual although you clearly want to believe that. Perhaps you could explain ?

    Do you work at the BBC ?

    You're right, Punkers. The whole world would gasp in shock if it discovered Pope Francis was gay.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    South Downs 'National Park'. What a fucking disgrace, not a single grizzly bear or wildebeest in sight, just sheep, crops and Sebastian's 

    Just one look at Owen-Jones is enough to make any caring parent realise their child is in more danger in the South Downs than any national park inhabited by Grizzly bears or wildebeest.

  7. 1 minute ago, Welsh_cunt said:

    Oh dear, this coming from a moron who's only exercise is mindlessly walking back and forth to a dartboard and wanking over every 9 dart finish he sees on the telly. Poor, very poor. I feel quite sorry for you actually. You don't bring anything to this forum so I can only imagine you are on here in an attempt to make lifelong friends. Perhaps you are an obnoxious person, or maybe you just have some serious hygene issues being a dart player, i'm sure you know that some issues can be overcome, but i'm also sure you know that a lot of people would like you to stick some darts in your eyes. You know what you need to do.....

    Out of likes. Infinitely.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Welsh_cunt said:

    And what drugs are you taking today Wolfie cunt? That's what I said? Please correct me if I didn't, i'm sure you will you dart playing bell end.

    I already did.

    You know, I've never really understood why the Welsh have a reputation among other Britons for being a little bit thick. It's certainly not the case with you, is it?

  9. Just now, Welsh_cunt said:

    I was talking about cream pieing a sheep you inferior Welsh cunt. Asking "how my boyfriend feels"...yawn....why don't you just call me a bumboy like we did at school and really turn the screw on me.

    I suspected you may have been referring to 'cream pieing a sheep' in your quick-witted remark. It really was that obvious.

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