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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 15 hours ago, Welsh_cunt said:

    No consideration for a move to Wales, what a cunt.

    Ah, Wales. The dark, gloomy, gale-ridden piece of land in which sheep out-populate people by a ratio of about 4-1. The only sheep-human equality is intelligence, of which you are a shining example.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Welsh_cunt said:

    As a new Welsh cunt, even I realise the repetitiveness of this nom, fuck, think i'll watch the Oscars, that's repetitive but not as much as this shit, fuck off Wolfie cunt.

    When you first arrived, all guns blazing, calling everyone a cunt without so much as bothering to research the site or its comments, I was one of few who sat back, watched, and gave you a chance – despite the fact you came across as being a knuckle-dragging, unsophisticated oaf who'd struggle to outwit a nine-year-old.

    My initial instincts have been proven quite correct.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Hope you enjoy all the political bullshit and "I liked to thank........" crap that some of these cunts spout when they accept their trophy, that most of the time they don't deserve anyway. When De Niro in Raging Bull beat John Hurt in Elephant Man for best actor in 1980 I realised the whole fucking thing is fixed anyway.


    What an air of hypocrisy you create, gypsy. Someone commented the other day 'I thought the purpose of this site was to "name the cunts of the world" not slag off the cunts of cunts corner, or am I wrong', to which you replied 'Totally agree. Are you me?'.

    And yet, here you are, making unwarranted, personal insults. The pretense of your comment certainly doesn't practice what you preach. If you feel a genuine debate about a subject that's very much newsworthy is beneath you, please kindly sod off.

  4. 11 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Spot fucking on wolf, the religious dogma of Islam doesn't sit in our generally atheist country. Most couldn't give a flying fuck which sky fairy others believe in but Muslims do. Seeing everyone else as unbelievers who will go to hell isn't conducive to integrating with the natives. We won't be worrying about this in years to come. As the world becomes more connected people will see through the biggest lie ever told, start believing the laws of science and nature and religious types will be ridiculed as the delusional fantasists they are.


    In this day and age it still amazes me people cannot grasp the simple concept of Darwinism, or evolution per se, instead choosing to believe in an almighty sky-fairy whose authority governs us all. The belief that one religion's sky-fairy is more worthy and valuable than another's seems to cause one heck of a lot of violence borne from intolerance – yet it continues to grow in some parts of the world. I'd like to agree with you about integration, but as the world becomes more connected, it also seems to bring more disconnection.

    If aliens really do exist, the human race must be the laughing stock of the galaxy. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    However any increase in salary would be spunked on transport, the rent on whatever garden shed you could find (forget getting a mortgage or that bollocks with buying a share in a property) and general living costs. I know enough people that made that mistake.

    These are the precise things people negotiate with prospective employers before making such a decision. That said, council binmen are offered fixed salaries in London, so I understand your plight.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    Only when I get impatient because my battered Mars Bar hasn't shown up yet.

    I'll wager my house you'd move to England if the salary (weekly wages in your case) was desirable. I'm right, aren't I, you obviously jealous Anglophobe?

  7. 1 minute ago, Snatch said:

    As much as I don't agree with their way of thinking,what they do in their own country is up to them. The fact the America et al feel the need to go in and force their version of democracy on them is wrong,just as it's wrong for them to try the same thing in Western society. It does not work.

    Spot-on. Traditional Western rules and values need to be respected if you are going to live here, much in the same way Westerners should respect rules and regulations of countries they are visiting.

  8. Watching that clip brought few surprises. As I've said before, Islam is based on ideological values which aren't cohesive with living in a free-thinking, evolving society. Muslim law adheres to an archaic philosophy that demands capital punishment for things such as drinking alcohol, homosexuality and adultery, or speaking badly about their prophet – things which are accepted as being fairly normal in the UK and much of Europe. What's worse, these 'rules' do not just apply to Muslims. They apply to everyone. 

    That being said, the vast majority of Muslims don't go around pushing their will on Westerners, such as those intolerant arseholes do in the clip. But most don't speak out or involve themselves in any way with attempting to rid the West of radicals – and that's because they would be labeled a traitor to Islam.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

    What? So some lefty cunt can say "typical racist skinheads"?

    Is it not better to send a nice normal girl wearing a long covering up dress, who was born there, to ask why are they stating that British law means nothing and we will all burn in hell?  "Shariah - The Solution For UK"...?

    What would happen if I organised a march saying "All Muslims Die, your laws are evil and don't count for me, burn in Hell, "?

    This is not racist, but they can fuck off.

    You are right, though I think Beast's comment was intended with irony, Ding.

  10. 4 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

    Wasn't me who fired her, she fucked off after having an affair with someone we all thought was a poof... and we thought she was happily married so that was 2 surprises..

    '...fired her'? You mean she returned to school after completing two weeks of work experience.

  11. 30 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    The Sikhs are an ok religion, and fearsome soldiers. Hundreds of them were sent to their deaths on suicide missions by their commanders in the East India Company, and not one of them ever complained about it afterwards. Rock solid.

    The British Indian Army is certainly worthy of much respect; its history and dedication to Britain's achievements speaks for itself. Closer to home, most people from other ethnic backgrounds have made the effort to integrate: you don’t often see or hear of other non-Muslim religions preaching on the streets, trying to spread Islam and trying to convert people in Britain to Islam. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, DingTheRioja said:

    Is there still that law about sikhs and motorbike helmets? 

    Or did it finally get rescinded, I seem to recall it was still in place about 5 ot 10 years ago?

    I don't know. The internet is a big place, and I'm sure you can find the answer.

    • Like 2
  13. On 25/02/2017 at 07:16, Eddie said:

    Sadiq Khan is having a pop at the poor with his latest stroke of genius. Motorists who own vehicles that do not meet Euro 4 standards – typically those diesel and petrol vehicles registered before 2006 will soon be paying £21.50 per day to drive into london between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday.

    The cunt is attacking the easy targets instead of going after the big boys.

    So the low payed and key workers will be forced down onto the most expensive underground system in Europe, but the little cunt is even having a pop at that. Sadiq is trying to ban adverts displaying scantily clad women on the underground. Obviously as its demeaning to women. Nothing like walking around dressed like a bin bag to make a women feel special eh. 


    Years ago, because narrow-minded fascists masquerading as liberal-thinkers in this country blossomed under conditions which suited them, ethnic minorities were allowed more autonomy and freedom of speech than the average Briton. The result is people from different cultures and backgrounds, Pakistan being a good example, who have very contrasting beliefs as to the manner with which women should dress et al., have been provided power to affect change for millions.

    Years of 'That's racist! That's racist!' have finally had a huge effect on the welfare of the UK – with our own beliefs and traditions disappearing faster than ever before, and with exception of Sweden, more quickly than any northern European country. The impact for traditional British society and values and our ways of life has been nothing short of catastrophic, and Khan's recent policies are gilt-edged examples of this (the only surprising thing he's done is to advocate same-sex marriage, attracting a 'British-led' fatwa in the process). I'm still at a loss to understand, with his chequered history, how he was awarded such a position of power. His decision to essentially tax those with more to lose seems counterproductive for most people.

    Islam is based on fundamental ideological values that are not cohesive to living in a free Western society, and what is happening right now, with Khan and his Blairite political bullshit stance, is proof of this. Frankly, and I am not alone when I say this, the current Mayor of London can stick his medieval policies up his fucking arse.

    Racist? Whatever. I'm past caring.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

    He can only be as real as Frank and Pansycracker.

    Pansy is real, don't you think? An ex-HGV driver, about 70, still in need of cash employment, with worn tattoos of naked women on his neck, roll-up permanently attached to his lips, who tarmacs driveways for a living.

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  15. 43 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

    Yes, but what if it is actually a real person? Hard to believe, but possible. I can imagine it now, hunched over it's Pentium 2 squinting at the screen in the gloom, wearing it's threadbare Barbour, searching for spares for a 1973 Range Rover on eBay. 

    You forgot the £7.50 entrance fee for its local 9-hole pitch-and-putt, which lies next to a council estate with a pub entitled 'The Last Hole'.

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