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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. On 01/03/2017 at 21:46, Ape said:

    So, off out for a mid week run I go, and after a good start, the feeling begins. A tightness in the stomach and a pressure in the arse, pulsing on every foot fall. The continual pounding action gradually pile driving a large quantity of turd towards the exit, compacting it to almost black hole density. 4 miles from home now and this turd wants out. I stop running, hoping that walking will reduce the back pressure, but no, it's reached critical mass and must come out. I'm in a residential area and there is no place to find cover, and now the turtles head is peeking out, and I'm really getting close to shitting myself. It's dark thankfully, so when a large fir tree appears in view, albeit in some poor cunts front garden, I dart in behind it and release about 4 pounds of steaming turd in literally seconds. I have to use grass to wipe my arse, which was far from ideal. I felt bad for the poor cunt whose garden I shat in, but I had no choice. I walked home.

    Disgusting, I'd have called the police. Sounds like a job for Special Branch.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    It's no secret that im in receipt of a disability benefit and unable to work so keep working boys. .you lucky people you


    Liar. You Tarmacked my driveway last week for cash. HMRC would like to hear about it, I'm sure.


  3. On 27/02/2017 at 7:38 PM, Stubby Pecker said:

    I'm sorry to break it to you but he's not really a darts player it's just his avatar so using this as a stick to beat him with shows your amateur ways. 

    Stubbs old boy, I think we have to accept WC is a teenager, and for this reason cut her some slack.

  4. On 26/02/2017 at 8:50 PM, Tata Steely Dan said:

    I'm moving to London where the streets are paved with gold. Make sure that your new house has a boiling water tap and is located near a garden centre.

    I'm pleased (for you) that you've decided to move to England to annoy us here, for a better salary and better life, like millions of hardcore Mel Gibson fans, to escape the depression and misery beyond Hadrian's Wall.

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  5. 1 hour ago, nobgobbler said:

    Surely punkape will partake in pancakes smothered in caviar on Shrove Tuesday, come Wednesday he's back on the old Eggs Benedick.

    I suspect it's called Shove Tuesday in Punky's house, followed by Dirk Benedict on Wednesday.

  6. On 27/02/2017 at 2:02 PM, Panzerknacker said:

    I'm organic 


    You've got the worst case of blight I've seen for some time. With luck, perhaps they might consider switching off the life-support machine.


  7. On 28/02/2017 at 8:55 AM, Snatch said:

    Wasn't it shown that your second choice was the case? 

    I'm 90% sure, so yes. Rick, as usual, is frugal with his words when it comes to the truth about Jizz Corbyn.

  8. 26 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

    Whatever you think of Corbyn I believe he is a genuine socialist and really does care about what is happening to so many people in this country right now. Unfortunately he has become party leader at the wrong time, too late really. With the electorate obsessed with the EU and immigration and the Tories having pulled the same stunt with May that they did when Major replaced Thatcher, sadly nobody is listening to his message. I really don't know what he can do to be heard right now, but those who think that all would be well if he were to be replaced by another Blairite are deluded.

    Corbyn is either: 1) incapable of booking himself an advanced ticket for a seat on a train, like millions of others do on a daily basis, or 2) he lied about not being able to get a seat to manipulate his appeal to voters. Is this someone you aspire to vote to power, Rick?

  9. 1 minute ago, deebom said:

    Kahn or whatever his fucking name is, is a fucking typical new labour blairite cunt.

    See what happened in Copeland? These fuckpegs will say or do anything to get their own fucking way. Including election rigging. They spout meaningless wishy washy leftisms, that cause considerable damage to the social order, while jumping into bed with any corporate slag that gives them the eye.

    People say Corbyns a cunt, that may or may not be, but what I do know is that these PLP fuckers are far far more dangerous. These cunts would send you to the gulag for your own good...

    Agreed. There's a world of difference between corrupt Blairites seeking power and self-gain such as Khan, and genuine socialists such as Corbyn who, whether you agree with their policies or not, seemingly have a conscience for the welfare of others.

  10. 4 minutes ago, applescruff14 said:

    If England do pull it off I have to go to work in my pants, will not go back on my word either but it's unlikely I'm going to be there then anyway.

    While on the subject of pulling things off, have you considered wanking yourself into an early grave, so we no longer have to suffer the monotony of your posts?

  11. 3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    You're not Ding, which goes entirely in your favour. However, there's only so long that you can dine out on the goodwill that your fortune of birth generates.

    Just a suggestion, but in order to stay in my good books, have you considered upping your game, you thick fucking cunt?

    You're lowering the bar for a midget to compete in the high jump.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Mingeeta said:

    The Gower peninsula, isn't that the place has those large rocks about 150ft high shaped like doorways? If so how about jumping off one, preferably when the tide is out.

    Let's wait until he can provide evidence of 'outwitting Wolfie cunt' before never hearing from the genius again.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

    Fuck me. You even get triggered by a stupid Rugby song. What exactly doesn't trigger an offence manufacturing cunt like you?

    Not much bothers STD, does it? I can imagine a white car with red go-faster stripes, which incidentally depicts the England flag, would trigger his obvious anger.

    I can imagine him sitting in the living room of his damp, inner-city council flat, crying as he's halfway through the cheapest Scotch whisky available at Aldi, holding the bottle up to his Matsui TV screen in homage to Braveheart for the 50th time. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, Welsh_cunt said:

    Ah quit with the sheep analogies will you, i've heard them all and they're really not funny. Hey, the first time you've hit the nail on the head though. Wales is dark and gloomy, and hey, I live on the more desirable areas on the Gower peninsula and it's still shit. Cunts like you should feel sorry for me living in such darkness. But hey, I can sell up in a few years, get out of this godforsaken hell hole and live wherever the fuck I like. I may even come live next door to you. I can call you a cunt through the window without having to go on my phone, how cool would that be. I'll bring some sheep with me and show you how to really show a sheep a good time, cunt.

    Thank you for proving my point with such a compelling defence of your idiocy.

    You really are an absolute fucking tool.

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