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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 11 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    I will not be goaded into proving anything as my identity would be given away. I am not allowing history to repeat itself and let you simpletons know anything. My business generates enough work for three of us, what is so difficult to understand about that, also why do you think it so hard to acheive that? 


    Hence, does this mean you are an electrician who provides enough available work for two other electricians?

  2. 1 hour ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    No, I employ three people. Electricians are solo entities.

    Well, that explains it then. I thought for a moment you were trying to make yourself sound more important than you are.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    I am an electrical contractor, the building industry has had this going on longer than taxis. I am suggesting that this govt should stop blaming past events and get on with sorting it out properly instead. Blair and Brown fucked up, but Blairmoaners need to deal with it instead of moan.

    Isn't an 'electrical contractor' the same as an electrician?

  4. 22 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    You can't keep blaming Labour they haven't been in charge for quite some time! The shit is this Tory government and the coalition's fault, they have had a very long time to sort it out and haven't.

    You mean to sort out the mistakes created by Tony Blair's pro-immigration Labour government? Are you suggesting the Labour government under Tony Blair (and its renowned border control) never created conditions suitable for migrants to enter the UK illegally before the Tory coalition came to power? Does this not bother you, seeing as you strike me as being a decent, hardworking sort of chap who'd understand the plight if UK taxi drivers, Alf?

  5. Just now, Stubby Pecker said:

    Chris Evans, Ant & Dec and Robbie Williams vs a giant murderous wood chipper robot programmed by nazis. That'll make good sat night ITV viewing.

    If we can throw Gordon Ramsay into the mix, I can see a profitable future.

  6. 6 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

    Poor Jeffrey....

    Both are gargantuan sadists, each at opposing ends of the cunt spectrum. That said, in Tony's defence, he has surprisingly never been in prison, while Jeffrey, for all his psychotic lies and deceit, doesn't have to live with the guilt of around 1m deaths that could have been avoided.

  7. On 03/03/2017 at 9:18 PM, Rick_B said:

    Don't blame the drivers though, blame the fact that Uber seems to be able to circumvent May's phoney "living wage" and exploit the self-employed loophole.

    You're an embarrassing blow-off worthy of ridicule, Rick. It's precisely because of misinformed, left-wing opinions such as yours that foreign minicab drivers have been allowed to undermine British taxi drivers' jobs in the first place. Why is Theresa May to blame? The problem wouldn't arise if we had prevented foreign drivers from coming to the UK (under Labour governments) by using funds to clamp-down on unsuitable/illegal insurances (instead of using funds to provide welfare for them and their families), while increasing our aid for countries from which they are trying to escape – thus giving them a reason to want to stay.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

    The Polish guy looked like a big fellow. He showed great restraint I thought, but being Polish he would be a God fearing Catholic, and educated. I wonder if he plays golf?

    He did indeed show great restraint. But you have to remember he was also taking on the might of Allah.

  9. 9 minutes ago, ratcum said:

    Fair enough. At least you're not encouraging kids to play 'Bananas in Pyjamas'. What an utterly fucked up idea that was. Or Slug Boy, the quadruple amputee with persistent MRSA.

    Slug Boy is now darts champ at his local hospital, which has won many awards for cleanliness.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

    "Food media is predominantly generated by white people for white people....."

    Well yeah, that's fucking obvious - black people haven't had anything to eat since the 1970's if you believe them adverts on the telly.

    KFC has closed the gap.

  11. 1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Thank god for that, soft tip is for excitable Japanese cretins who think the bullseye is better than treble twenty because it makes big flashing lights and beepy noises. Stupid cunts, I tried it once, couldn't get used to 14g barrels. 24g Phase 2 purist for me.

    Excellent. I prefer to ogle with a bottle of Cognac over Anastasia. Sometimes, I'll get my cock out, and when I'm finished, aim my fistful of jizz at the screen's bullseye.

  12. 4 minutes ago, ratcum said:

    If I was going to try and contact Minty (sniff), I wouldn't bother with a medium; I'd go straight for a large. That's were cunts have been going wrong all this time Wizzo

    I mean this with the greatest respect Ratty, but I imagine most mediums find it easier to understand dead people.

  13. 6 hours ago, Welsh_cunt said:

    You've never wiped your fat arse with a pair of socks before in your life? You must be such a fat cunt playing darts all the time I guess you don't get out much. Have you stuck them darts in your eyes yet, post a pic, i'd rather see that than a 9 darter any day of the week. Now fuck of Wolfie cunt, i'm going to bed, i'm too tired to attack you tonight.....

    What a useless, painfully unfunny cunt you prove yourself to be – yet again. You bring little to this site other than to get the wind knocked from your sails, resorting to statements of obnoxious fuckwittery because you don't know any other way.


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  14. 35 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    The haunted programme he's on is total bollocks so that explains that. Clairvoyancey is suggestion and playing the numbers game. You have a room of a hundred people and you ask the question "has anyone had a recent sad loss"? Well of course someone fucking has. And from there, you say what these idiots want to hear.

    Now, cross my palm with silver.....

    I can't agree. My (ex) girlfriend passed away almost 10 years ago. I actually went to see a medium some years later, who said 'she was with me again'. At first it was a little scary and I didn't believe, but then I noticed the TV would suddenly switch to Eastenders, the fridge was full of food again, and skidmarks started to disappear from the toilet bowl.

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