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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 1 hour ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    Obese women and sexually ambiguous men, playing a game of who will blink first with canine genetics. With the proliferation of cheap sex toys you would think this nonsense would die out, but for some reason we still get to watch frumpy women and their weak, pathetic husbands waddle around after some dreadfully inbred pooch; most likely the only one from the litter of eight born without holes in its heart or the back legs totally missing. I see the BBC won't touch it any more, which is saying something! Clare Balding doesn't seem to have ever recognised any such moral quandary, and followed the money (like a bloodhound, LOLOLOL). You just know those dogs had any lingering vestige of soul beaten out of them by a horrible woman with a moustache.


    Crufts isn't about dogs, its about people with too much money rolling the genetic dice for dogs and then seeking fame and fortune when they hit a double six. Weirdo eugenics hobbyist cunts.

    What a refreshing change it makes to see you writing in English, and temporarily off the cheap, blended 8% paint-stripper. While I'm embarrassed for your typically shit prose, such a worthy nomination deserves a solid like.

  2. 20 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

    Wolfies palace, nevermind the needles, they came free along with the spare rotting sleeping bags and a handwritten dikshunary

    What in God's name are you carping on about Ding? Explain yourself, not only for my benefit but probably for Ratcum as well.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    There is never an apostrophe in a possessive its. Anyone want to fight about it?

    I actually skim-read that as 'There is never an apostrophe in possessive tits'. I was about to add an exclamation into the mix, but then I realised it would've been premature interjection.

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  4. On 03/03/2017 at 6:51 PM, Eric Cuntman said:

    Thank god for that, soft tip is for excitable Japanese cretins who think the bullseye is better than treble twenty because it makes big flashing lights and beepy noises. Stupid cunts, I tried it once, couldn't get used to 14g barrels. 24g Phase 2 purist for me.


  5. 46 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

    Cunts like that don't get health insurance in my country, it's considered social justice when they're refused health insurance and basically told to fuck off and sort themselves out, or just fucking die under their own mass.

    You raise a good point. The other solution ought to be a fat-tax, the principle of which is 'the more you eat the less you pay, but the more you suffer'. For example, people medically classed obese and on benefits would receive 25% off each Burger King/KFC/McD's purchase, but forced to pay a fat surcharge for each hospital appointment, thus helping to reduce attendee numbers by slowly killing them off.

  6. 1 minute ago, Lady Penelope said:

    That's been cancelled as I have just had a shit.

    Let's hope our fortunes don't cross if ever there's a zombie apocalypse. Two survivors, one constipated and the other blind, does not bode well.

  7. 4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Hey have some respect! These are the  finalists in the 'Miss Llanelli" beauty pageant. 

    Still, you did well to reach the semi-final.

  8. 11 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

    Actually this one is a genuine female with a condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Like I said, I'm fairly certain I saw him on Saturday night's Haye vs Bellew undercard, getting a thoroughly good fisting in the ring.

  9. I have no problem with cross-dressers, 'trannies' or sex-changers per se. Live and let live. Quincy, for example, is one such harmless yet odd specimen I'd be very happy to see return to the site in a few years.

    And, while I advocate people making their own choices in life, as is commonplace in the West because we are not a Muslim province, men who wish to become women are still intrinsically men. They always will be. Likewise, a woman with a surgically-manufactured cock, though best avoided at all times and certainly someone you may not wish to babysit your children, or walk your dog, will always be a woman.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    Well son if yur motor was out in the street some wee radge wud be along tae fuckin tan it sharpish like. Ah keep ma motor in the lockup to stop the wee bams fae Drylaw comin and pannin the windaes in and takin the radio ken?

    I was going to paste this into Google Translate, but then I realised there's no Boring Scottish Cunt option in the languages menu.

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