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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 23 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Precisely, I fucking said all this yesterday. Time to stop pissarsing around. The attacker yesterday was known to be a threat by MI5 and the CTU, so why was he still walking around free? We need to change the law to allow our security forces to squash these hateful little bastards BEFORE they do what they're inevitably going to. And fuck off the Choudrays before they incite the impressionable morons to do their dirty work, and if that means playing dirty and activating former SAS operatives and rubbing the cunts out then so be it. If young Mohammed knows there's a real chance that one of Andy McNabs mates is going to sneak into his bedroom at 3am and cut his throat, young Mohammed is going to think twice about playing Jihadi.

    The thing is, our security forces prevent much more from happening than we actually know about. But it's not enough, because there are too many posing a threat who can slip through the net – case in point with Lee Rigby's murder and Musthafa Wank yesterday. Blair's government (and Cameron's to some extent while May was Home Secretary), via way of failing to achieve border control targets for decades, has fashioned an irreversible situation. Sadly, I think it will escalate.

  2. 1 hour ago, Rick_B said:

    I seldom agree with May, but the reality is that the terrorists are not winning. The terrorism related deaths which have occurred are tragic, but the reality is that they haven't had a significant strike in the UK since 2005. Why would you want to tell them they are winning when they are not? As I said before they will win if we let them set the agenda, otherwise they wont.

    Don't you agree the UK has shot itself in the foot by allowing immigrants from Muslim countries that pose a threat (such as Pakistan) to settle en masse in recent decades, which has spawned unprecedented home-grown terrorism? Most recently, this has manifested itself via way of Muslim 'Britons' travelling freely to and from Syria to join IS, as well as yesterday's attack from another British passport holder – not to mention allowing genuinely dangerous arseholes such as Anjem Choudary to incite racial hatred under the noses of our politicians. It's not about 'winning' er se, Rick – it's about putting a stop to it. Period.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Under the circumstances, I'm not sure what you expect. Aside from the MCB on ITV's Good Morning being interviewed as I type this post, why have the national newsprint media so far chosen not to report the statement. Shades of Tommy Robinson making capital in some of the posts here...

    Has Tommy Robinson actually killed anybody? No. Perhaps he wanted to arrive at the scene before hoards of MCB participants march on Westminster in defiance of Islamic terrorism and in support of their host country.

  4. 1 hour ago, Snatch said:

    What in the name of fuck was that? What got me was not the fact that she no doubt made that shit up on the spot but the fat that people applauded. She another modern art cunt and a waste of time.

    I know Snatch, I know. She ought to be tortured for crimes against humanity. If I was in charge, I'd order my henchmen to shave her minge and stick it on her eyebrows, before forcing her to drive a bus, 'Speed' style, around a Himalayan road notorious for its annual mortality rate. What a silly cow.

  5. 1 hour ago, colonelkurtz said:

    When all that "dress down Friday" at work bollocks first became all the rage we ran a book on who would turn out be the undisputed cunt of cunts. As sure as eggs is eggs it was the twat from sales who sported yellow corduroys kecks , deck shoes and of course the turned up collar "rugger" shirt.

    [Mind you , yours truly wasn't a pretty sight in DM's and a Ruts t shirt]

    Oh God yes, 'dress-down' Friday. While I am no longer forced to participate in such cuntfuckery, it was nevertheless a great method for exposing supercunts. Sales almost always won. I can imagine Mrs Roops, fastidiously planning ahead, ensuring her next wash dries in time for the prestigious weekly opportunity to impress.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Mike Hunt said:

    Yes, after careful consideration, I'm nominating myself (and I'm sure I'll get plenty of support for my nom)! 

    Simple reason is, after hearing the news regarding Primodos, my first reaction was "Thank fuck for that...flads aren't a dying breed after all...still plenty of material to keep this site going!" 

    Or have I been hanging around here for too long? 

    With 12 posts at the time of writing, you've clearly not been hanging around for too long. I hope it stays this way.

  7. On 18/03/2017 at 1:27 PM, Eric Cuntman said:

    Catherine Zeta Jones was certainly climbing another rung on the celeb profile ladder when she dated that.

    Time has been kind to him, hasn't it? He really has been 'Holding Back The Years', otherwise he'd have ended up looking just like a fat, ugly Ronald McDonald who's been stuffing his cakehole with Big Macs and fries for decades. 

  8. 1 hour ago, nobgobbler said:

    It's ginger kids I can't stand. Any bother with kids the worst one is always a ginger cunt. Have you noticed that gingers don't seem to go grey when they get old, once a ginger cunt always a ginger cunt.

    You're right, though just 'cunt' would have sufficed for Mick.


  9. 7 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    One of these short  wearing cunts has turned up at the pub dressed as a leprechaun. Green tights and orange shorts, supported by his grinning dopey mate, st Patrick's day in a pub in kent, fuck off, probably his cousins friends mates mum was friendly with a potatoe eater 100 years ago. People who celebrate paddy's day can fuck off.

    Such efforts should be put into St George's Day. Tell him to fuck off, immediately.

    • Like 1
  10. On 16/03/2017 at 7:13 AM, Monumental cunt said:

    What....are you just pissed off because older cunts like me prefer slim, in shape, domesticated, useful, loving, caring, attentive women to be our partners in later life.....rather than having fat, round, elephantitis legged, black leggings wearing, triple chinned, fucking ugly, sweaty, lazy, useless, fat rolled, sausage fingered, undomesticated, English cunt wives.   My Mrs is fabulous and all my mates want one.   Especially when she sucks them off for 50 bhatt.

    Haha. I felt compelled to come back and read this one again; it's literally had me pissing my pants.

  11. 14 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

    I often fancy a lamb passanda. Or Jon Bon Jovi.

    An ex-girlfriend was mad about Jon Bon Jovi. We split because I simply couldn't cope any more. Sadly, though not through my doing, I could actually karaoke just about every Bon Jovi song without looking at the screen. When I am leader of the Fourth Reich, I will put out a 'Dead or Alive' warrant for his arrest, and when he is incarcerated, he will be hung, drawn and quartered for crimes against people wishing to enjoy good music. His chest hair will be burned with a Swan Vesta to set an example to never let his kind be given autonomy to pollute the Earth's ears again. What a dreadful cunt.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

    I think you're right to a point but it will be a special genetically modified breed of super humans that will sent off the colonize other prospective planets. The genetically modified super humans will be as different us as we are to Chimps or at least as we are to the Neanderthals. At present we  are physically inept and an incapable at prolonged space travel so a modified version of us will have to be created to be able to achieve it, at which point we'll probably be so abstractly different that it's doubtful that we could even call ourselves Homo Sapians any more.

    I think you've predicted the Fourth Reich. Scary, but I think you may be proven correct one day.

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