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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Diddums. I call it standing my ground during debate. What are you, man or mouse? As you nibble on some cheese, reflect that next time you're out of your depth, don't hide behind intellectually lazy comments, whining about not liking being challenged or having to be right.  Now if you don't mind, I'll return to work and endeavour to be brilliant.

    Oooh – I did hit raw raw nerve with my comment about you not liking to be challenged, didn't I? Even my four-year-old niece knows that if you dish it out in the school playground, you have to be able to take it. Clearly, you are unaccustomed with this. I'm glad my comments affect you so: if they didn't, you wouldn't bother responding with such consistent haste.

    I do however admire the fact you have the stomach for a fight, Roops, because you have few other worthy traits.

  2. 4 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Mm...so wuggy baby..is roops correct are you an emasculated bitch smacked individual gibbering on here in a way you'd not be allowed to in your world. .if so I'd hazard a guess your not alone here ..could form a eunuchs corner 


    You'll be a force to be reckoned with, Pansy baby, when someone's teenage son or daughter teaches you to construct a half-intelligible sentence.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    That's the third time you have recently dragged my husband into this alluding him as a hen-pecked man reconciled to domestic drudgery. You need to be careful, otherwise punters may draw their own inferences that you are a pussy-whipped by a dominating partner and fearful of standing up to him/her instead projects your own frustrations onto others.

    Perhaps if you didn't portray yourself to be such a controlling, incontestable and arrogant individual, you wouldn't provide others with the ammunition to draw such conclusions about you so easily.

    • Like 2
  4. 13 minutes ago, Ape said:

    Yes, she's pretty much perfect.

    Undoubtedly. It's easy to envisage her obvious perfections just by reading her posts. I reckon she doesn't even buy bleach, because her turds disinfect the toilet pipework as they make their way to cleanse and restore ecology to the North Sea.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

    ...indeed I am, though if you have paid attention, my "font of knowledge" is confined to certain fields, some connected to my work (I'm pretty good at my job) the rest on account of a working knowledge in current affairs understood by many professional and semi-professionals, so if you're amazed then that rather speaks poorly of you. As for fanny flashing, yep some like it, others don't though I'm surprised how quickly a minority of punters, quick to express laddish commentary suddenly morph into Mr Moral Majority, so I'll flash the bathroom bits whilst you flaunt knock-off jewellery, deal?

    With typical modesty, Roops' humble estimation of her own abilities is delivered with customary self-effacement, avoiding impropriety as always.

    • Like 1
  6. 23 hours ago, Bubba C said:


    Now, whilst you're in a helpful mood, could you do me a favour and let me know which mixture of caustic cleaning products you'd need to combine to form a lethal cocktail? Trial and error by self-consumption is your quickest way to finding the right answer.


    Where are you, Bubbs? Is your Celtic ancestry related to the renowned Breton characteristic of running backwards at the first sniff of confrontation?

    There I was, yesterday, in eager anticipation of an ensuing mini-war with the site's foremost (and painfully unfunny) bully, and it seems you've done a runner at the first hurdle. I'm beginning to realise you're a little more vulnerable than I had first assumed, however, I didn't assume you to be so gutless under the bonnet. Shame.

    Ps. Fuck off.

  7. On 18/04/2017 at 7:02 PM, 'eavensabove said:




    The more I see the strange creature on the right, the more I believe it is Punkers. I'll wager he's got a little 5' wood golf club tattooed on his left buttock.

  8. 1 minute ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    The Greens are getting into bed with the SNP up here. A party that opposes fossil fuels shacking up with a party that wants to bankroll an entire country off the back of dwindling North Sea oil reserves it cannot negotiate a good price for. What could possibly go wrong?

    Who cares? 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

    Is that the Green party conference. 

    The Green Party conference has organic tea-making and lentil-farting competitions, so no. At the SNP conference, they drink whisky and shit fried Mars bars, before talking utter bollocks while trying to publicly conceal their contempt for Europe and admiration for the English. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    I used a large ghost pepper (bhut jolokia I think that is how you spell it, thrown the packet away now) for heat and some red bird eyes for flavour, not authentic but I have used mustard oil and the other usual suspects. Not a cooking site so enough said.

    I'll leave it at this.


  11. 10 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    Thank you! I have prepared a vindaloo chicken from scratch (yes I can cook, the wife is useless) and my face is melting.

    Sounds ace, Alfie. Which chillies did you opt for?

  12. 3 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    The bloke with the mullet has spied Punkers, standing on his own by the "Unpopular" section. 

    I suspect it's the Faux-posh–Rusty Range Rover–Shit Grammar–Arse Bandit–Troll section.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Bubba C said:


    Now, whilst you're in a helpful mood, could you do me a favour and let me know which mixture of caustic cleaning products you'd need to combine to form a lethal cocktail? Trial and error by self-consumption is your quickest way to finding the right answer.



    I'm not surprised you're having a little hissy fit; since I've been posting here it's become rather clear 95% of people think you're a deeply unpleasant, whopping anus – and I am no exception. That said, if I was forced to wake up to the grey skies and melancholy of Wales each day, I'd behave the same. Such unfortunate circumstances might develop an inferiority complex so strong that I'd also divulge how much money I'd allegedly made in a recent business deal.

    All the best.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Running and cycling's goin well wuggy baby ..as for the blue pill..run n cycle and you'll never need one. .infact you'll not know where to even get one ..fun fact though. .chaps like you fill boxes quicker than chaps like me 


    For once, and just this once, I concur with you. I've never had the need.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    As she is now she's still ahead of o you in everything wuggy baby 


    How's the running going, Pansy baby? I did wonder: with boozing at the expense of taxpayers in mind, consistent use of Viagra, and especially your age, how come you've not done me a favour and died of a heart attack? Thanks.

  16. 17 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    . .women arent stupid ya know 


    Compared to you, Jade Goody would have showcased all the traits of an Oxbridge graduate.

    • Like 1
  17. On 17/04/2017 at 10:38 PM, Bubba C said:

    The woman was obviously looking for a far less painful release from the world after spotting the roadsign and realising she was on A1, heading "oop north". 

    The only thing the soppy cunt did wrong was not ploughing into the back of the lorry in front of her and ending her life. I hope the stupid cunt still has to go up ding's way, serves her right. 

    Shut up, ding. 

    From the A1 at Peterborough, motorists can join the A47 – which eventually leads to Wales. Lucky bitch.

  18. 17 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

    ISIS Business Solutions have sponsored him for the past 14 years, well before the terrorist group used the name.

    It's a great business scoop. They're £147,000 better off this year from selling bomb kits disguised as snooker balls.

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