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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. On 12/11/2016 at 3:17 PM, Panzerknacker said:

    I've no boss I'm on disability benefits ..much simpler



    24 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Incorrect wuggy baby..I said  it's beneath me to attack the spelling or grammar of a persons input ..play the ball not the man wuggy baby


    Which disability, precisely, are the rest of us who work and pay taxes sustaining you for? We'd love to know.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Hmm....substance abuse and dyslexia probably coupled with an undiagnosed learning difficulty. ..


    Making more friends, Pansy? I seem to recall you claiming you had learning difficulties or similar. Strange, therefore, you'd mock others for the same ailment.

    You're fake and utterly full of shit, aren't you?

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    You blithering fucking retard, please try to use at least some English combined with correct punctuation. It must be a perpetual rain and darkness and subsisting on iron brew and methanol which make you come across as such a divy 

    Try to imagine you're dealing with a six-year-old, Stubbs. It really does help.

  4. On 18/04/2017 at 8:57 PM, Rick_B said:

    I don't like horses, they're dangerous animals. I don't understand their mindset, why would such a fast and powerful animal be so neurotic and skittish. It takes almost nothing to spook them.

    Perhaps decades of being consumed for food has brought about such skittishness – and the ability to run quickly. As with people, the ones from France are the most neurotic.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Neil said:

    I hope you havn't been to my club,we dont have 'not sure' toilet between the ladies and gents,mind you getting your cock out in a field is something that you do on a regular basis anyway.


    This is one of few occasions I welcome the contribution of the site's Welsh members.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Snatch said:

    It will only be repeat bollocks. 

    I'm not surprised Pen has few other things to talk about. I could start a nom about having sex, but I strongly suspect a 20-year dry spell would render the old bag's contribution useless.

  7. On 21/04/2017 at 0:40 PM, The Lady Penelope said:

    Wolfie like Gape is losing it .. his marbles dropped off last week too.

    For this reason, if you are correct, I'll soon be starting a nom about the colour, consistency and frequency of my shit.

    • Like 1
  8. 53 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Smile mingbag... because one day you'll die 


    'One day you'll die', Mingeeta. This must be news to you, because I'm sure you previously had no fucking concept of your mortality whatsoever. Well-spotted, Pansy, you vapid oaf.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Spanky said:

    After studying the Brexit campaign and then that orange twat Trump, Corbyn must have finally twigged that most people are such utter dim-witted cunts, they can be swayed by making up all sorts of ridiculous bullshit. For this election, we can probably look forward to offers of free vape refills for every household, increased funding of garden bulbs for pensioners in Tory strongholds and 25% off trips to legoland for benefits scroungers during one of these new bank holidays. 

    It looks as though you'll be off to Legoland for your hols after attending your council house garden, Pansy.

  10. 45 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Oo..I like holidays preferably during the sunnier months 


    I'm trying to envisage what could possibly embody a holiday for a lazy, unemployed cunt. Can you offer any assistance?

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Yeah, the problem with that is we can all read, so no, you haven't. Instead of pulling meaningless insults out of the air, dazzle us all with reasoned argument and advocacy in future.

    My previous comment obviously affected you more than I had anticipated. I have to say I'm not surprised.

    I'm glad I wind you up. It's really not all too difficult. Anyone would think I'll be exploiting your obvious inferiority complex before too long! You know – the one which makes you feel the need to continually exhibit the unnecessary high opinion you have of yourself.

  12. 5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Hmm, clearly you were red in face and emotionaly raw when you wrote this and subsequent posts...

    I think we will be going 'round in circles if all you can do is spew out recycled clichéd insults. Not sure where "consistent haste" comes into this either. Stay warm pet.

    Is this the best you can do? Throughout the past couple of days, metaphorically, I have spunked on your face and literally watched you scuttle off in the other direction like a little girl who's been handed a venomous spider for Christmas. Take care, you adorable, modest creature.

  13. 11 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    I bet he's up there having a good chat with that fucking Aussie twat who got skewered by a stingray commenting on what a pair of cunts they are. 

    Currently, I bet he can attract more flies than you.

  14. 1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Mm..I am pretty easy going and generally contented guy..you wuggy baby however strike me as a deeply unhappy individual ..one of clique that feed off each others projected feelings of hatred and low self worth 


    Speaking of cliques, it's surprising yet refreshing to see someone who is prepared to lick Roops' arse clean. While unemployed and on benefits, I suspect all you can afford is Tesco Value toilet roll. That said, being the unsophisticated heathen you evidently are, I'm quite sure you'll relish using your tongue.

  15. 3 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Meh...wuggy baby will gibber something about spelling or some other stack of slash while fretting over a stain on the rug before the significant other gets home 


    Ah, yes: easygoing, beer-swilling, lady-charming, backdoor-ploughing, happy-go-lucky Pansy – the very same person who also makes a fastidious and very specific point of writing his/her name after each and every post, and has obviously sniffed an opportunity to get inside the knickers of the site's chief dictatorial harridan.

  16. 5 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

    Wolfie, up your  game will you, you are a fucking embarrassment, you wet wanker. She is wiping the floor with you, whilst creaming her gusset.

    Shit-stirring, moi? Thanks for this Withers, old boy, especially when it comes to your advice regarding inter-member hostility. Obviously, based on your previous shortcomings, I hope you realise just how much I value your opinion.

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