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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Doc Martens made in Asia. Except the industrial ones with steel toe caps, which are the only ones I wear. The Asian ones are shit quality, made as a fashion accessory for languid goths and lesbian social workers.
  2. HP or Daddies sauce is the proper, two fisted cunts accompaniment to a bacon sarnie. Any cunt that puts lettuce and tomato in it should be opened up from groin to sternum with a semi-blunt billhook, and have their lungs removed with a trawlermans gaff.
  3. Mushroom ketchup eh. On the subject of mushrooms, have you ever tried 'Chicken of the wood'? Or do you prefer the 'Lickin of the wood'? Lol
  4. If you're English and don't like dogs, there's something fundamentally wrong with your character. there aren't bad dogs, just wanker owners. And most cunts that don't like them, usually keep snakes and lizards and weird scaly foreign shit with no personality. Fuck off to the desert if you want to play with scorpions. You might get a bit of spare from an un-fussy goat.
  5. I can't believe that I'm the first to notice that she is a fucking cracking bird.
  6. I sho' is powerful hungry, where am dat wartymelon?
  7. None of us are completely immune from the effects of media Americanisation. I hit a rabbit whilst driving recently, and before I knew what was happening, I had strapped it across the bonnet, and driven home screaming, 'YEE-HAAAW' and throwing empty Budweiser cans out of the window!
  8. Much more entertaining when suicidal gypsies attempt to rob isolated farmhouses though.
  9. The clever bit is, that her cunt will be full of his spunk and forensics will get you off the hook.
  10. Fucking spot on Ereptic. If I was her dad and came home to find that cocky, smug little cunt, grinning at me in his underpants, I would go to my well equipped middle class kitchen, remove the Sabatier meat cleaver from the salvaged, shabby-chic butchers rack, and bury it in his fucking frontal lobe. Then tell the police that I caught him raping her.
  11. Imagine doing lezzing with that bird out of the shake n vac advert. Phwoar!
  12. Let's see.. Hmmm.. No. He's definitely shit.
  13. Punk. I didn't actually have a casserole, I just thought 'button mushroom' was an adequate description of frank's little soldier. Just a bit of creative license. Like you pretending to be rich, socially connected, and not a screaming fairy. lol
  14. I notice the ad' portrays sexist and chauvinistic behaviour from white men, being reprimanded by black men. That's the icing on the fucking cake, because black men in general are so respectful to women and supportive of equality. The nurturing manner in which they refer to them as bitches and ho's, and beating and raping them, really shows how much nicer they are than white cunts. Pile of fucking shit.
  15. Why the fuck not? Most dogs are more loyal, loving and reliable than 99% of the human population. No reason they shouldn't be honoured as such.
  16. They're jealous of us Decs, because we're the best on here.
  17. I bet that not only is the stench of her kipper basket enough to make a seagull puke, but it's also as wide as a donkeys yawn.
  18. How disgusting! He should have just danced with himself. A blow job from an alligator would be less risky.
  19. Tony James. Sigue Sigue Sputnik, enough said. slightly less of a cunt than Martin Degville though.
  20. According to his latest nomination, it's an Al Qaeda tribute act. He wants to be careful he doesn't end up on YouTube, being beheaded with a kebab knife.
  21. After you saw it.. ..how long did it take you to cum? lol
  22. I expect you like shit-ache mushrooms.
  23. Still far more credible than the solo career of Sid. Eddie Cochrane and Frank Sinatra covers. Fuck knows why they bothered with funerals for him and the skank he stabbed, should've left them out for the binmem and called it a result.
  24. I was talking to Roadkill about this yesterday. Albert only seems to log in for a very short time, every few weeks. My theory is that he's in some kind of institution that only allows him internet access periodically.
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