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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Yeah, it must be a faked pregnancy. They're never going to take the chance that Meghan's DNA goes retro and produces a tiny Chris Eubank with bright ginger hair.
  2. She's too skinny. I bet she's not pregnant. It's a fake bump, the royal quacks advised against a 5 stone bulimic from carrying a baby full term. They'll pick one up and have it hidden at the hospital when she goes in for the pantomime of removing a cushion from up her jumper. The sickly, emaciated cunt makes me feel fucking sick. Helen Melons Windsor.. now that was a nice bit of royal crumpet.
  3. I bet you're thinking of PC Jim Carver.
  4. Despite reasoned arguments on both sides of the debate, we're all losing track of the real issue.. ..If you take the letters of her last name, add some, take one away, it spells BIGBUM. Fnarr fnarr, gnurk gnurk..
  5. You still not got over that, 'can't be seen in public with one' thing?
  6. Even less surviving examples of the 1943 German 4WD lifestyle vehicle designed by Hitler for the wartime middle classes. Featuring quarter inch steel plate bodywork and Krupps steel box section wraparound bumpers. The Mercedes Judenwacka.
  7. I know, and they're the fussy ones when it comes to selecting a mate. You'd think they would have realised it was us doing them a favour.
  8. It's repellant. Women talking about fannies and removing all the mystery and allure. I bet they'd be up in arms if some cunt started advertising 'Itchy Scrot-away' on the telly. I blame that shovel faced cunt Germaine Greer.
  9. Is this a trap, or are you Michael J Fox?
  10. I try and avoid Jaywick unless it's really necessary. I don't know how you can live there.
  11. You stupid fucking cunt.
  12. No one wants to know what's tattooed above your arse crack.
  13. I think that was the Lancia Beta. All Lancias rusted but the Beta was made from corned beef tins. It pretty much put them out of business.
  14. The mk 1 and 2 Fiesta XR2s were fun as well. But the ultimate hot hatch was the Lancia Delta Integrale.
  15. The one good thing about gypsy women, is that they all dance like Rosie Perez from Soul Train.
  16. No, you fucking dildo. I was just using your mention of VW as an excuse to poke the cunt with a stick. He may not have the bottle to log in anymore, but I bet he's reading this, and seething.
  17. The 90s Golf was so good that VW still issue them to their 'Directors of Engineering' as company cars.. ..don't they @sean5302? You bullshitting little crybaby cunt.
  18. Correctamundo. Far as I know, South Africa's only heavyweight world champ (WBA, so a bit wank).
  19. One of the first Saabs was designed by the founder, who was an aeronautics designer and obsessed with aerodynamics. So he enclosed the front wheel arches, not thinking that snow would accumulate between the wheel and wing, not allowing the wheels to steer. Which it did, they crashed a lot.
  20. Don't fucking try and ruin it, thanks to spray-guns, he can have it whatever colour he likes. And manual choke conversion kits are available from Weber, Stromberg and Solex. @Decimus, I gather you were busy, so I've sorted out this 'parade raining' cunt for you.
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