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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Peter Cook flashed into your mind when you typed that.
  2. I can't disagree with that. It absolutely disgusted me the way that it was reported that she wanted to do the memorial concert, as if it were her idea. it was a cynical PR move, dreamt up by her manager and engineered to advance her profile and career by taking advantage of a tragedy. I want the little skank dead. And Bono.
  3. Cosying up to Pen again Albert? Won't be long before you begin favouring us with riveting accounts of the Victorian switchgear at Crewe. McDonalds wanker.
  4. Autist my arse! You spelt 'Preview' wrong.
  5. Eric Cuntman

    Red Nose Day

    I know, it's what his entire career has been based on, a third rate, 'yassir boss' prancing, black village idiot.
  6. Eric Cuntman

    Red Nose Day

    And even that hotel he was advertising pushed him into the street when he was asleep. Even they don't want one indoors. What I've always hated about the cunt, is his habit of letting his big floppy tongue hang down his chin, like a fat, picaninny Gene Simmons. I hope he dies soon.
  7. It's not all bad. Some of the people you have to climb over to get down the stairs, will be able to sell you inferior quality hashish. The really nasty stuff with shredded plastic and camel shit mixed in with it.
  8. Eric Cuntman

    Red Nose Day

    It's been a waste of money from the get-go. For decades, the west has been throwing billions a year at starving Africans, and where are they? Still sat in a mud-hut, with no food, looking gormless and about to squeeze out a 17th kid. They're fucking thick, incapable of the thought processes required for advancement. Give one of these villages a suitcase stuffed with cash, and within a week, they'll have used it as kindling and toilet paper. Various studies have been conducted over the years regarding relative intelligence of comparative races, and Afro-Caribbeans always fall way behind every other cunt. Don't publish the findings though. One professor has already been stripped of a Nobel prize for doing so. Lets just pretend, all the time. Let's give all the really important jobs to Africans. Let them design medical monitoring equipment and space shuttle guidance systems, car braking systems.. And when it all goes wrong, and people are dying, space shuttles and cars are crashing, anybody who dares to suggest that white or Asian scientists could have done a better job, can be locked up for hate speech and destroyed in the media.
  9. He's certainly displaying some very familiar traits.
  10. The Corners' Siegfried & Roy.
  11. And not have concerns about intruders in your back passage. I remember when all this was just fields..
  12. Next week.. Constables not being allowed to clip street urchins round the ear anymore.
  13. I think Finchy was the first cunt I ever heard use the phrase, "up to me nuts in guts". yep, that's Ding. To a tee.
  14. King Rollo was alright. I quite liked his mental, Cook & Wizard stories.
  15. And the foremost inspiration in the actual life of Richard Madeley.
  16. Hasn't someone actually seen Quincy, and established that he's fat? I picture him as a skinny cunt.
  17. Would you like to borrow a shotgun?
  18. Unless they're actually serious. Nobody mention 'straighteners'.
  19. I've always imagined you listening to 'Ben', but changing the lyric to 'Ding' as you sing along.
  20. Probably lesbians. That would explain all the scissoring.
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