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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. I thought you were serious so I thought we could meet and get it out the way but obviously not so shall we draw a line under it now?
  2. What did punkape have to do with this? I must've missed something
  3. Not really, just type Colchester General into Google and get the postcode. Next to the access road to the car park area you'll see the hospital sign
  4. Also be handy if you did come because then you could help me post the time stamped photo of me standing opposite the empty space in the street where bill is supposed to be, we'll go for a beer afterwards. Don't worry if u can't make it I'll just email the pic to Roadkill and he can show everyone.
  5. Of course. It would help gentrify the area
  6. Do you really think I'm going to drive a hundred miles to attend a punch up which you wouldn't turn up for anyway? Unless u got one of your boyfriends to drive u past just to see if I was standing there like a cunt. Tell u what, if you're ever near Colchester (about halfway) let me know and I'll risk the 40 miles just to see if u turn up and I won't be bringing any imaginary friends from Peckham either. Just me. The entrance road to Colchester general hospital is ok because no cameras and an AE department 500 yards away. Ring your cousin and tell him not to call in Del Boy and Rodney because if you are a real man you'll come alone.
  7. For fucks sake frank, I realise that this was my fault for mentioning personal shit on here but for you to say that is low. Yes you're right, my wife is dying and it hurts to watch it happen and I can't see why you would use that to get a laugh. My earlier aggression was a reaction to certain other posts and I truly regret reverting to that level. I can't believe that you really find someone's pain a good excuse for a cheap laugh. I can see nobody wants me here so I shall fuck off and concentrate on giving her as much happiness as possible with the time she has left. Give my regards to Roadkill and tell bill and Decimus that I can't be bothered with cunts like them anymore so please would they not email me with meaningless crap. I will leave you in peace now and despite what you said above I genuinely hope this never happens to you or anyone you love. Eric
  8. Yep I was definitely thinking bent and grass
  9. So if we did have a straightener then I would immediately be arrested anyway because you would have rung plod and reported an assault before it started you fucking grass.
  10. Oh you rang someone? I thought it was you that was going to smash my teeth in you fucking faggot, and does that "reported" post mean you're a grass as well?
  11. South Kensington. So you are gay after all
  12. Morning decimal,I see you and your girlfriends are still hanging around in the corner of the pussy section of the playground. Finished sucking each other's cocks or have you been throwing a stick for your favourite puppy bill. I would fucking love to meet the three of you. Please genuinely find me and pay me a visit you gutless pussy and I will happily rid the world of you but then I imagine travel is impossible when you have bill and Quincy taking it in turns to hang off your cock
  13. Don't feel bad you daft Geordie cunt. Gurt obviously hasn't experienced life at the sharp end and his last post enquiring whether you have aids was quite a funny response to my post. Didn't mean to darken the mood, I just felt strongly about it and had to say something. Like I said yesterday, I have respect for most of you( except bill, Quincy and decimal who need to stop crawling up each other's arses) and I thank you for enlightening me about your city, I respect any race of people who can give me a kicking of that magnitude! My ribs still fucking hurt from that one! The black and white striped cunts.
  14. Let's hope none of us get cancer eh? When your other half is stage 3 and you have to spend half your life sat in a fucking hospital watching them suffer while they pump taxotere or some other poisonous form of chemo into them trust me it isn't funny. Don't mean to be a killjoy but I come on here as a distraction from thinking about it so lets just rip on poofs with AIDS or something else self inflicted.
  15. Pen surely you have worked out that the only balls bill has are the squeaky ones thrown for him by whoever he has decided his puppy trainer is going to be today.
  16. Be fair, better hair than Clinton
  17. I loved letterbocks. Example:- " I recently went to Spain on holiday and decided to attend a bullfight, I have never been more shocked and disgusted! Firstly it cost ten euros to get in then it was five euros for a can of coke, and we were sat so far back we couldn't even see the cows getting stabbed! J smith Cheshire
  18. Phew! My childhood memories remain golden.
  19. I'm not, I just used to love the magazine when it was still funny and concerned that it may have been conceived by a couple of tai-chi performing car factory workers from Sunderland which you kindly informed me was an insufferable nest of cunts.
  20. And would Roadkill please tell me whether viz did in fact originate In Newcastle?
  21. I would ask to borrow your extinguisher but I suspect you need to use it quite regularly.
  22. How is the gay bar looking since the refurb?
  23. Quoting crap American comedies, profound.
  24. Why not use your superior internet skills to find out where I live, but before you do please convert to Islam and sign up to ISIS, that way I get to kill at least one of the cunts. Give my regards to Lara you pasty little virgin.
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