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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Shipping forecast, Dogger Bank. Snigger snigger fnarr fnarr
  2. Fucking hell how old are you ? I bet you have the ovaltinies on 78's, and all 3099 volumes of singalong a Max.
  3. That was a very well thought out pun(jab)
  4. My hair is irrelevant as it is permanently covered by a white hood.
  5. Hang on a minute, I have to go and put out my burning cross, I think it's set fire to my neighbours shed.
  6. Wouldn't want to tread on kens toes, and if you continue this sluttish behaviour Mattel will replace you with a politically correct Islamic doll named Barbinder.
  7. How do you know I isn't black you Tyneside bamber clart.
  8. Perhaps my niece could set me up a smurf, I mean avatar. She already has an iPhone and it's better than this antique one that I've got.
  9. I saw her while babysitting my niece, I said to my niece" look that lady only has one arm" she looked at me and replied " I know, and she can even read!" Considering she is only 6 she is funnier than half the cunts on here. Is there a junior version of this site that she could join?
  10. No point quimsy already has
  11. Are you the little quincesses new girlfriend now that his regular squeeze has been cruelly taken from him? He won't respect you in the morning.
  12. Have you been watching wrestle mania? The only thing you own is a subscription to big boys in leather magazine. Or was your above post a direct quote from your cellmate after you were imprisoned for stealing Barbie doll accessories from toys r us? Now run along before I swat you like the buzzy little gnat that you are.
  13. Got to get back to princess Quincy now, apparently he owns me and I am in his power for all time.
  14. Nein nein nein! Zis is outrageous! I voz a doctor of medicine! I helped ze sick!!
  15. He probably restricted the production of the four carbons by use of bunching the tehmesophyll cells and retarding photosynthetic transfer. The daft cunt should have used the Calvin benson method
  16. Are you upset? Do you want a lolly?
  17. The one on the right is called Drew, what's the betting his surname is "Ablank"
  18. Watch tipping point, Ben shepherd uses the phrase " lateral movement" at least 4 times a minute, even descending to the level of " bit of lateral" if he'd paid attention during physics and maths he would recognise said movement as diagonal. And he's a mummy's boy.
  19. Is that stickers on the left? He must be a rich cunt to have a monogrammed shirt.
  20. I'm sure bill is avidly reading all this and asking frank what to think about it all
  21. Ignore these last 2 phone malfunction( yes I know, I'm a spastic so I'll save you all from pointing it out)
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