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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. No I'm new to this shit.who was withers?he certainly gets mentioned a lot, didn't know bubba was a Taff either,i suppose that blows my theory about him being the nazi who fathered me in a farm rape incident,,probably only rapes sheep. Baa
  2. I can't argue with that one
  3. That's more fucking like it! Did you do the catering for last nights episode of the walking dead?
  4. I can't work this phone ignore this post I'm trying to clear this fucking screen
  5. Does bubba really think that repeating the phrase "fuck off" over and over again is funny? That cunt must've been burned on here so many times he should change his name to Guy Ffawkes I've only been using this site for 24hrs and I've already arsefucked him at least 5 times. He should just stick to Facebook, then he can put LOL every time he says fuck off or posts a really amusing photo of a ham sandwich, the pea brained little tosspot.
  6. I suspect the accident involved him and bill stickers trying to pierce each other's bell ends with an action man bayonet
  7. Nice head tattoo,is it so the fire brigade helicopter can spot you from above every time you get burned on this site. Oh and bring a fire extinguisher next time.(the little ring on the handle is a safety feature, not for you to use as a genital piercing you self harming cunt.)
  8. He called me the son of a nazi rapist earlier and when I asked him if that meant he was my father he replied with the legend " no"... The imaginative and rapier like wit of the man is staggering.
  9. Homeless man sitting on pavement with sign round neck saying "homeless Falklands war veteran" passer by gives him twenty quid. Homeless man looks up and says "muchos gracias señor".
  10. When you finally get through tell them that you're too busy to talk now due to the high volume of Bangladeshi cunts wanting to discuss your computer. And how come all Bangladesh call centre monkeys have English names??
  11. Does this mean that you are my biological father?
  12. Try changing it to "decimal" and see if anyone gets the point
  13. Only if it's a nursing home for oiled up gladiators
  14. Fuck me, he is dreary isn't he. And I would assume the handle of "Decimus" is a way to attract other men who are suspiciously fond of gladiator movies.
  15. I don't know who the fuck you think I am but yesterday was the first time I visited this site. Eric is not a pseudonym for any previous antagonist
  16. Oh dear he may be peeved with you now and take his collar and lead elsewhere to find someone else with a brain to tell him what to think
  17. And who the fuck are you anyway,?oh I suppose you're bubbas boyfriend, tell him that the 70's gay porn industry wants its profile picture back
  18. Fucking hilarious, how do you think them up so quick
  19. Oh fucking hell it'll take more than thick cunts like bubba c to rip me apart, the only thing he's ever ripped apart was franks arse when he crawled up it. Pathetic little sheep cunt.
  20. Sorry, guilty. Seemed like a good opener for a newbie.
  21. Apparently forming nasty incestuous little mutual masturbation circles. Clique clique.
  22. Is that the slimy mucus that bill stickers and several others use to cover themselves in to facilitate crawling up his arse more easily
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