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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. You're fucking kidding, you've been posting the same shit for the last 48 hours. If Negan really wanted to break Daryls spirit in the walking dead he should stop playing the easy street song, give him an iPad and let him read your posts for a couple of hours.
  2. Nah ain't got any of that stuff, pretty much in the Stone Age, pretty handy if your ignition timing is fucked or you need a sill welding on your chariot but that's the limit of my technical ability, unless you include operating forklifts telehandlers and diggers. Ta for the advice.
  3. I will probably only use screenshot stuff like the one I just did as an experiment. Any security risks involved in doing that?
  4. I think Charles bronson is still down there, the tunnel collapsed when McQueen rode over it in 1944,, riding a 1965 triumph, the clever time travelling cunt!
  5. Thank you. While we're being civil I would also like to know how to include a photo or picture in a post, do I just click that " choose file" bit highlighted in blue at the bottom and then just choose existing pic from the ones stored on my phone? Presumably I can then add some text underneath it?
  6. Can Donald pleasances eyesight hold out long enough to forge you the documents needed for a successful escape though?
  7. Forgive my well documented ignorance when it comes to this stuff but what does the highlighted blue thing wrapped around my user name actually mean? Genuine question and not trying to be antagonistic with you Decimus .
  8. Sorry, take comfort in the fact that frank will be back soon and he can tell us all about the bellends he has been been enjoying from behind in her majesties shower block.
  9. Watching the snooker, fuck off decimal you're pointless
  10. He declined, never know though quincess is getting all militant. If he wants to meet up shall I give him a kick in the nads from you?
  11. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    Sounds like the little playground gang has had its day, time to move on little boy. You're in a minority and everyone on here has hated you for ages but continued to tolerate you due to the lack of active members,lacking because frank and his little gang of bullies keep getting rid of them. Now run along you fucking stupid little lapdog.
  12. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    Sounds fucking great! You grab the afghan Cush ,I'll chuck a mattress in the back of the fiesta and I'll see you in the morning.
  13. This site gets better by the minute. Spent half the day trying to get bill to let me beat him up and the other half reminiscing about getting beaten up 20 years ago!
  14. Earlier on Manky mentioned Oldham had a firm called kennys cruisers but I'm fucking sure they were called " fine young casuals" any recollection?
  15. Started as scout with cockney fire starters and moved up to b mob, happy days charging down the hill past the Arthur wait turnstiles. Did you know billy or the big fella who changed his middle name to charlton?
  16. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    Oh my fucking god you have repeated this at least eleven times now.and I haven't gone running to teacher as you seem to believe I have. Shut your whiny little pussy gob or do as I suggested a minute ago and jam franks cock in it . Don't try sucking your own though as that would barely qualify as a toothpick............ Am I getting funny enough for you yet bitch??
  17. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    Are you still bleating about losing your little friends Quincy? And you accuse me of being boring. Just email them, meet up and you can all suck each other off in daisy chain formation. Then your mouths will be full and the rest of us will be spared the avalanche of shit that normally pours from them.now go and find some pants to sniff and stop whining you fucking pussy.
  18. Eric Cuntman

    Bell End

    I know of a village called Outer Labia, that's definitely a bit of a cunt.
  19. Yeah I know , but as half the cunts on here appear to be 12 year olds there's fuck all chance they've heard it before.
  20. Why-aye, two's on ya tabs man?
  21. The other day I was shopping in B&Q and a man in an orange and black uniform came up to me and asked if I wanted decking. Fortunately I got the first punch in and that was that, others may not be so lucky though so be on your guard and watch out for this cunt! ............................................................. Now that's funny. Stop lecturing and entertain us Quincy
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