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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Accuses someone of having a low IQ in the same sentence as misspelling syphilis,
  2. Not the brightest bulb on the tree are you.
  3. Now you've made me feel old, I am a 1972 vintage, I had a handheld space invader though when I was about 11, the score went up to 999. Oh yeah and a pacman.
  4. In the top left hand side of your screen fuckstick. And left is the opposite side to where you probably looked first
  5. It will inspire you to create more masterpieces. Bride of Damon albarn vs cartman or something.
  6. An Eric atmos was a really old computer around 1980. It never made it coz of Sinclair rubber key thing and Commodore 64 thing, I never had fuck all to do with any of it, too busy with crossbows and air rifles etc. if I say webley Vulcan I bet that will pull a few nostalgia strings with the over 40's
  7. Dr Frankenstein forgot to stitch your arm on properly. Nice tits though.
  8. Sorry snatch my mobility scooter is interfering with phone function again.
  9. And I have no computer skills as this fucked attempt at a reply shows.
  10. Multi frank, sounds like one of those JML products they sell in Lidls
  11. Oh look! 3 whole words in a row, and one of them contains 2 syllables. Well done poppet.
  12. Ape is rather eloquent isn't he? I bet he was the shining light of the remedial class at school. Nobody could crayon rub a sycamore leaf like that dude. 'Cept maybe punkie.
  13. Another scintillating post from Ape, the William Shakespeare of cunts corner.
  14. Could somebody set up an ID with the username "EVERYBODY " and then just use it to "like" any post which cunts off punkape.
  15. On the DVD shelf next to my telly, it's still in the cellophane because I have no interest in watching a cartoon film about lanky smurfs. PM me your home address and I'll pop it round. Glued to the end of a felling axe you insufferable little turd.
  16. 23 years on and I can still recite every word of that theme song, last decent thing Will Smith did before he started getting his talent free kids lucrative showbiz careers. And anyway, Carltons dancing was the funniest thing in it so fuck Will Smith, and his son who he should have named Won't smith
  17. I loved that show, the group of Indians going out for "an English" and abusing the waiters,," oi Jeremy, hurry up with those chips"
  18. Would you mind if I rang you to discuss your experiences while ringing cunts to discuss their experiences talking to cunts wishing to talk about accident compensation ? Do to have a moment to discuss our lord Jesus Christ?
  19. I just wish that people from Bangladesh call centres would stop telling me that their names are david or Richard or Jennifer etc. if they just introduced themselves as Rajiv or Prakash I still wouldn't be interested in talking to them but I would at least respect the fact that they were real and not trying to gain favour by pretending to be English ( with a Chittagong accent for fucks sake!)
  20. Just do what I do, draw little dots on your screen with a sharpie and move your silhouette up and down until it has eyes. Roadkill is obsessed with avatars coz he drew his own one and his mandatory attendant said it was ace.
  21. The flag of the French SAS is a white cross on a white background. Motto:- "who cares who wins" and I have some French assault rifles for sale, never been fired and only dropped once.
  22. I don't believe that for a minute, decimal never leaves his bedroom.
  23. Hopefully monkey AIDS as I just posted.
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