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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. If you keep puckering those broad lips and flared nostrils at me I will have to assume from said facial characteristics that you are a sooty.
  2. And if you disagree then fuck you you black cunt.
  3. I must admit to being hurt that you have omitted me whilst listing your most well respected racists. Please review my 2 longer posts in the "selective prejudice" thread. After doing so I am sure you will conclude that I am almost certainly one of the more eloquent bigots on the corner.
  4. Don't give up on foetus foot. I have pictured it in my mind and it is brilliant! Anyone refusing to publish it is a cunt. Much better than Daredevil , fucking Stevie Wonder in a red onesie, for fucks sake!
  5. While we're at it bring back twiggy botham, and Geoff boycott, if only to annoy feminist wimminstruggle merchants.
  6. I am not Serbian and am not planning to assassinate archduke Frank turdinhand.
  7. This was my all time fave. "I recently holidayed in Spain and decided to attend a bullfight, I have never been more upset and disgusted! Firstly it was €10 to get in, €5 for a an of coke, and we were sat so far back that we couldn't even see the cows getting stabbed. Mrs Smith. Cheshire.
  8. You used to write for letterbocks in viz magazine didn't you, I recognised the style immediately.
  9. And it would certainly confuse them if immediately after you planted the turd they removed the lid to deposit one of those jeyes bloo things in it.
  10. Yeah that's the trouble with being a terrorist, those stripey woolly hats look uncomfortable too.
  11. Rachel heyhoe flintoff , but she is busy trying to sell clothing to fat cunts,throwing hats and pointing at drummers, the twat. WG Grace was much better with an excellent sick catching beard.
  12. Then they forgot where they buried them an nearly starved to death.
  13. As you are now a Muslim I would like to personally furnish you with the benefits of a cricket bat, see, I am helpful to others.
  14. Litre of washing up liquid in the cistern and watch the next user being chased out of cubicle by a 4 foot bubble monster. Happy times.
  15. Do you relate strongly to Henry Cooper,and share his bitterness regarding the career ending battering at the hands of my type?
  16. Water under bridge, glad you're back. Didn't report you or PM mrs Roops whining about it. I've learnt a lot since you've been gone and grown resilient to the shit thrown at me as a result of my naive revelations. I'm sure we will cross swords soon, if you've been watching you'll know the competition's been fairly weak.
  17. They all own casinos now and make fortunes from the inbred, OxyContin munching retard trailer dwellers that are the direct descendants of the cunts who fucked them over in the first place, so they're fine. Apparently some tribes used to name their offspring after the first thing the mother saw when she left the tepee after giving birth , hence Running buffalo, Soaring eagle etc'. I wonder if any of them got stuck with names like 'Two dogs fucking' or 'Drunken rapist.
  18. No I have a hand me down iPhone 4 and sometimes use my wife's iPad 2. I'm not tech minded. Old fashioned boy.
  19. Bless you Pen, random, possibly insane, but charmingly endearing.
  20. I assume you are a member of Steely Dan, therefore should you require any further help with the definition of "expend all remaining" , please refer to your 2003 album "Everything must go".
  21. And before you emphasise the "remaining" bit, some were decommissioned and not deployed. Go back to fucking sleep.
  22. Yes that's why we still have them rusting in silos. Now who looks a thick cunt.
  23. "Fucks sake batman, I thought you were going to save me some of that cornetto"
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