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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. A reference to punkers being gay. How utterly fucking original.
  2. I did almost the same thing whilst perusing the Sky programme listings and was horrified to see that the crime network had made a documentary about necrophiliac masturbation! How I chuckled when my wife told me it was a forensics based drama with Amanda burton called WAKING the dead.
  3. When I awoke bleary eyed yesterday and glanced at the topic listings, I thought that this thread was called fucking about with geese, then I clicked on it and realised that withers had not returned and posted an instructional video.
  4. The estate chavs are anti paedo because most of them can't remember how many kids they actually have, so they assume they've probably lost a couple to pervs and are therefore justified in going on a paedo hunt. As for the honey trappers, that's just a method that slappers employ to get to fuck more of their mates boyfriends and then justify it by saying they've done their mates a favour.
  5. No not Mz Gabor, I was quoting Denis Leary.
  6. Yeah, once you start with all that you're trying to make bongs out of everything. Marihuana doesn't lead to other drugs, it leads to carpentry.
  7. Bollocks! Snatch beat me to that one.
  8. Fucking stupid that they locked him up for flogging a few hubbly bubblies in the first place.
  9. What's tommy Chong up to these days? Last I heard he was arrested for running an online stoners requisite supply company called "chongs bongs" have to admire his sense of humour.
  10. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Just saw Tom Skerrits name and remembered he played "cousin strawberry", classic stoner comedy. Cheech Marin seems to make a living getting brutally killed in Tarantino and Rodriguez films these days.
  11. Try Paul newmans barbecue range, freshly drained from the sump of an indycar V8.
  12. What always confused me was his cooking style. Apparently shaking your arse like a Barbadian carnival prostitute and waving your left arm behind you makes food taste better.
  13. I usually tell them I am a wheelchair bound black lesbian Muslim extremist, I am currently considering several offers of work as a community youth development key worker.
  14. Ainsley Harriot should be shot for a number of reasons, any female contestant who had to endure his creepy innuendo laden banter and arse grabbing on ready steady cook would be first in line with the rifle. The fucking gurning, idiotic sex pest cunt.
  15. I imagine that the "til death us do part" reference is indicative of the impending loss of someone special in your life Bubs, when is lambing season?
  16. The welsh don't have any experience with industrial equipment, sheep are usually "manhandled".
  17. Wow you take all this very seriously don't you bubs? And can you please stop phoning me up to discuss my PPI.
  18. Wow! That office life of yours sounds a blast! Sitting on your arse checking Facebook all day, taking the piss out of the poor cunt who is forced to bring you coffee( THEY GOB IN IT ) and occasionally giving each other a big high five when you've ordered yourselves a new swivel chair from the staples catalogue. Pop down to the warehouse for a couple of days and do some real work, you'd last 4 hours and then start crying like a pussy and get 3 weeks off with a bad back.
  19. Yep, fork lift pilot and dispatch manager, which means earning pretty much the same as the pretentious little cunts upstairs, plus we get all the super cheap fags and booze off the Polish truck drivers, and now with brexit coming, I shall no longer have to waste time filling out CMR shipping forms, which means the office cunts will have to get off Facebook and actually have to learn how to use TNT's express shipper. (And they still won't get the cheap fags and booze)! Who's fucking laughing now?
  20. He can keep his nob away from her. She's mine.
  21. Monica Lewinsky was a lovely little chubby sex kitten. You can hardly blame old Bill.
  22. D'you know, it's a crime that you were never a writer for VIZ comic. They missed a fucking trick there, was it you that came up with foetus feet?
  23. Yes, Hillary remembers it as the last time her cunt got properly shafted.
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