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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. My grandad was posh, he drank Blue Stratos with a little umbrella and a slice of lemon.
  2. And I have never abused you for being northern. Our last correspondence was mainly concerned with improving the ft lb's of air weapons to make them more effective against Johnny Foreigner. I hope this goes some way to repairing the north south rift.
  3. Nah that wasn't me he shamelessly abused via PM, I did tell admin that and requested he not be shitcanned on my account, but I was told his crimes were heinous and unconnected to me. It remains a mystery...?
  4. And judging by the above you should be concentrating on the QUALITY of your posts rather than the QUANTITY of mine.
  5. Not in the slightest, your advice was gratefully appreciated and duly ignored.
  6. Ape is now immune from reprimands from admin, he now works for them in the capacity of "post count regulator" and gave me a severe rap on the knuckles yesterday for over posting on "his website". I shall be contacting the other 'newbies' via PM and making sure they are aware that his permission must be sought before contributing.
  7. "Darkies" is a word popularised by salt of the earth post war cockerneys, they were normally middle aged couples often named Alf and Violet. Alf would go to work on 'the buses' and violet would begin the day by scrubbing the doorstep and later criticising any neighbours who didn't wash their nets twice a day. Alf would arrive home later and they would moan about the influx of "darkies" and agree that life was much better when all they had to worry about was the odd doodlebug. Alf and Violet refer to each other as "mother" and "father" and sleep in separate rooms.
  8. Norfolk must be twinned with Harwich.
  9. That shit is probably already going on. God knows how many brilliant medical researchers are locked up beneath the White House, just in case...
  10. I just looked it up and the only successful-ish application seems to be in rebuilding bone marrow in some types of cancer patients. In general it looks like the emperors new clothes though. The truth is, if anybody did actually come up with a cure, they would go missing and so would their research. The pharmaceutical companies have way too much to lose.
  11. I know absolutely fuck all about it other than Christopher Reeve believed it would get him out of a wheelchair.
  12. Brother in laws wedding, how does a Kerry hill ram invite someone to a party?
  13. Come up with anything original lately?
  14. Eric Cuntman

    Chuka Umunna

    And 867 only took a couple of seconds.
  15. Eric Cuntman

    Chuka Umunna

    Glad that you're glad. Wouldn't begrudge you your moment of glory.
  16. Don't get invited to many parties? How surprising.
  17. Eric Cuntman

    Chuka Umunna

    If you were functioning correctly it would not be beyond your abilities to type 20 or so words in under 4 minutes......idiot.
  18. Eric Cuntman

    Chuka Umunna

    I couldn't really say. I'm not a sad cunt that sits there with a calculator and desk calendar and works out this kind of thing. Apparently you are that sad cunt and I thank you for your statistical input.
  19. He's not just any common or garden sheep shagger, he turns them over and kisses them too, and says "I love ewe"
  20. Boring! This is the only thing you ever go on about! I really fucking hope you get a brain tumour, but sadly that is scientifically impossible. Twisted fucking cretin!
  21. The lady who worked at the newsagents where I used to live in Kent was of German origin. One of our local wits nicknamed her "the Hun at the till".
  22. I think Admin may move this over to my Danny Dyer thread. "Fackin drop me ahht you dry lunch"
  23. Eric Cuntman

    Chuka Umunna

    It's a couple of hours or so in small chunks. Just try to contribute as much as poss because there only seems to be a dozen cunts who actually say anything. And I'm too fucking lazy to keep logging out.
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