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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Canadian geese are known to transmit chlamydiosis to humans during intercourse.
  2. As you say, the taxes collected from immigrant workers are not being directed toward schools hospitals and facilities to cope with population growth, where are these funds being directed?
  3. Fairlawn near the main road. I'm a Valley Red so yeah, I know that area quite well. It's got a bit more civilised around Charlton these days, whereas Woolwich has become a Somali ghetto.
  4. Scotland is already here. They have occupied our shop doorways, bus shelters and congregate around off licences where Buckfast is available. Some have been here since the 80's and can be found at wembley stadium looking for Kenny Dalgleish.
  5. I too have worked with a lot of Polish immigrants. They have a very different set of values and ethics to us but I found that if you make the effort to learn a bit of their language they are a fairly decent people. Where in south East London were you trying to get work? That's my neck of the woods and I probably know of the project you mentioned earlier.
  6. I have consulted district attorney Markham and he suggested enlisting the help of Basil Rathbone! on a serious note, I clocked your avatar after going through a box of old books my grandfather left me when he passed away years ago, a lot of Philo stuff, and apparently my gramps was also connected to a 'Freemason' like organisation with Will Hay as a prominent member. I shall have to research that one a bit further.
  7. You are William Powell and I have solved the Benson murder case!
  8. When Israel introduced a weekly national lottery, a man named Abraham would stand on his balcony every Saturday and shout up at the sky "please god PLEASE let me win the lottery!" This went on for several years. One Saturday the clouds parted and a thunderous voice boomed "for fucks sake Abraham, meet me halfway and buy a ticket!"
  9. Snickers are 'marathons' Cif is 'Jif' etc etc. we must stop changing everything to fit in with the yanks and whichever foreign cuntbreeds are unable to pronounce the letter 'J'. For 50 years our mums slapped 'oil of ulay' on their faces, and then some foreign twat moves here and whines that they can't pronounce that either, so we give in and change it to 'Olay' for fucks sake! Don't give in to this shit Roadkill, demand 'Opal fruits' from Mr Patel at One Stop, if he pretends to not know what you're talking about, punch his fucking face in and set fire to his cunting shop.
  10. Mama used to steal evrathin', she even done stealed from dem white folks with da pointy white hats. Dem boys sure did get cross, and tied her to it, she is one hot Mama!
  11. What's the similarity between John Lennon and Opal Fruits?.....................they both used to come in a yellow bag.
  12. I'm sure Mrs Roops would not resort to a brutal act of physical violence. Maybe some bullwhip action and a bit of waterboarding.
  13. Did you manage to find one of those electric cattle prods you were coveting last week?
  14. William and myself have had our little tiff and he already logged himself.
  15. Decimus and Bubba C like this.
  16. Yas sir boss, I is bin hidin' from master withers, when he finished abusin' dem geese he gonna give me a whippin' an dat for sure!
  17. Withers, you know full well that I am a Nigerian houseboy employed by yourself and you are just bitter because all your brown grandchildren call me Daddy.
  18. You present a good argument, but he did punch Piers Morgan in the face, so he can't be all bad.
  19. Have faith. If a jumped up estate agent can become president of the USA, I'm quite sure that the right honourable Jezza would have no trouble achieving the same here. Then watch the PC liberal loony brigade run for the hills.
  20. We shall all have to assert ourselves and bravely not tell them about it.
  21. As soon as Jeremy Clarkson takes his rightful place as elected head of state, I'm sure this shangri la of maledom will become a reality. See you there for steak and beer.
  22. I hope your car stereo had enough power to allow the dulcet tones of Charlie Harper to drown out the insipid whine of John and Yoko emanating from the battery powered wogboxes that the vile rug munchers had to hand.
  23. It's probably a place where ageing loony left lesbian wimmin can meet up and reminisce about their halcyon days of chanting "give peace a chance" and licking each other's unwashed minges at Greenham common. They probably have their own vegan canteen which doesn't accept the new fivers.
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