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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Does the phrase " top dog" have some kind of alternative meaning on this site?
  2. Honestly no! Last time I spoke to him it was reasonably amicable and I thought we'd drawn a line under the silliness and just got back to normal cunting.
  3. No, I don't know why he got banned. I've never grassed anyone on here and I never will.
  4. Ooh, scary. Are you frank ? Apparently he controls several ID's, and he is a spy of some sort. Now fuck off back to work, and don't forget to count out the correct number of McNuggets or they will strip you of one of the little gold stars on your name badge. Fucking twat.
  5. Apologies. My antique iPhone sometimes fucks up and the only way I know how to clear it is delete everything in the quote box, type in what I wanted to say and hit send. Didn't mean to impersonate you. Needless to say my internet skills leave quite a fucking lot to be desired.
  6. On an unrelated subject the term "mackem" comes from the days when Sunderland shipyard workers would build boats by day and then sneak back and steal them at night, hence, "make em and take em" leading to mackem. Is that right or just more bollocks from Wikipedia ?
  7. Erm , I think South Americans are the ones with sombreros, little donkeys full of sweets and a strange habit of falling asleep in the street at 3 in the afternoon. Nightmare fuel indeed! Owing to the time difference in Newcastle it's only 6pm where you are. Ages til bedtime yet.
  8. That there is ma klan hood, you kinda look blue an green to me, y' ain't from arand here are ya boy?.... Don't take kindly to green fellas arand these parts, we calls em boogers.
  9. The one that got kidnapped and was never found. Decided to finally come clean now that my dad is no longer with us and won't be trying to mount a rescue in his shitty biplane.
  10. You don't need to worry about rabies, Jewish priests are all lovely people.
  11. Fucking commies, I knew they were cunts when they killed tsar Nicholas and his family, mind you, apparently the youngest son was a right little bleeder.
  12. I think my leg irons and electric wheelchair are interfering with the valves and transistors in my phone again
  13. The main reason dogs are better than women is also that if you roll in at 4 in the morning the dog will almost certainly still be willing to lick you.
  14. The main reason dogs are better than women is because dogs don't want to know everything about every other dog you've had.
  15. Well said. Throw a stick 4 a dog and it retrieves it, throw it for a cat and it looks at you as if to say " if you wanted it why throw it away you stupid fucker?" I have both and the cats definitely rule the roost.
  16. My cat could have your dog... It's a Bengal tiger.
  17. Shouldn't have been hanging around there smoking the fags you nicked from spar.
  18. Eric Cuntman

    My Boss.

    Are you that bloke who's been moaning for the last 50 years because Ronnie Biggs playfully tapped you on the nut with a pick axe handle?
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