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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. Try changing it to "decimal" and see if anyone gets the point
  2. Only if it's a nursing home for oiled up gladiators
  3. Fuck me, he is dreary isn't he. And I would assume the handle of "Decimus" is a way to attract other men who are suspiciously fond of gladiator movies.
  4. I don't know who the fuck you think I am but yesterday was the first time I visited this site. Eric is not a pseudonym for any previous antagonist
  5. Oh dear he may be peeved with you now and take his collar and lead elsewhere to find someone else with a brain to tell him what to think
  6. And who the fuck are you anyway,?oh I suppose you're bubbas boyfriend, tell him that the 70's gay porn industry wants its profile picture back
  7. Fucking hilarious, how do you think them up so quick
  8. Oh fucking hell it'll take more than thick cunts like bubba c to rip me apart, the only thing he's ever ripped apart was franks arse when he crawled up it. Pathetic little sheep cunt.
  9. Sorry, guilty. Seemed like a good opener for a newbie.
  10. Apparently forming nasty incestuous little mutual masturbation circles. Clique clique.
  11. Is that the slimy mucus that bill stickers and several others use to cover themselves in to facilitate crawling up his arse more easily
  12. Punkape is a cunt.......any better?
  13. Mistake..which is what bubba is about to say me joining this site was so I thought I would save him the trouble.
  14. What you mean small, bald, under endowed and not the kind of man you would buy a used car from?? That's a relief,I thought frank was a member of seal team 3 and about to hunt me down with dwayne Johnson in tow
  15. Ok but I'm really scared of you finding me now as I assume you are American and probably armed with a replica AR15 ( don't forget to lube the bolt receiver with cheeseburger grease) and therefore liable to shoot blanks at me,which I assume is a recurring theme in your life.
  16. Thanks, I think anyone who's a member of a site called cunts corner probably has personal problems too numerous and serious to be helped by any fellow members, but anyway chumlee is a cunt though isn't he?
  17. You're all so friendly,did any of you join this site to so anything other than start arguments with new members?
  18. Oh okay then, mother Theresa was a right prick. What did she want?
  19. Oh,I do apologise,should I be bitching about non cunts instead then, or sharing cutting edge witticisms like "what do you want" shithot prose Frank.
  20. So what is this site for then?
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