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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. I loved letterbocks. Example:- " I recently went to Spain on holiday and decided to attend a bullfight, I have never been more shocked and disgusted! Firstly it cost ten euros to get in then it was five euros for a can of coke, and we were sat so far back we couldn't even see the cows getting stabbed! J smith Cheshire
  2. Phew! My childhood memories remain golden.
  3. I'm not, I just used to love the magazine when it was still funny and concerned that it may have been conceived by a couple of tai-chi performing car factory workers from Sunderland which you kindly informed me was an insufferable nest of cunts.
  4. And would Roadkill please tell me whether viz did in fact originate In Newcastle?
  5. I would ask to borrow your extinguisher but I suspect you need to use it quite regularly.
  6. How is the gay bar looking since the refurb?
  7. Quoting crap American comedies, profound.
  8. Why not use your superior internet skills to find out where I live, but before you do please convert to Islam and sign up to ISIS, that way I get to kill at least one of the cunts. Give my regards to Lara you pasty little virgin.
  9. Fuck me, you have a high opinion of yourself don't you? Only if the mighty quim likes something does it become likeworthy, I hope decimal doesn't mind you and bill coming over and nicking his Kleenex. Don't forget to shut the laptop when you hear his legal guardian coming up the stairs to bring you some sandwiches and a bottle of pop. Try leaving the house, drink some beer, talk to some girls. Trust me you'll feel better.
  10. No I think I already covered the fact that I'm not great when it comes to tech shit, but that's probably because I have spent a significant portion of my life out in the real world doing normal shit,, socialising, having sex with women etc, all the stuff you've missed out on while you've been locked away in your bedroom fiddling with your computer and wanking into bits of Kleenex and pissing into an empty lemonade bottle. Sad little social inadequate cunt. And before you try and tell me you have a girlfriend,,posters of Lara croft don't count.
  11. No I'm from dartford but i did once get an amazing kicking from 4 Geordies at London bridge station. Football related. I thought viz was a Geordie invention, please don't tell me that chris and Simon Donald were from Sunderland ? I thought the only things they made in Sunderland were those fucking shitty Nissan Sunny cars.
  12. Technical problem you fucking twat, you just repeated yourself 3 times deliberately.and a Sinclair c5 has a hand throttle fucktard which leaves my club foot free to shove up your arse, as soon as maximus Aurelius has taken his cock out of it that is
  13. Every time I try and ask Roadkill what a mackem is it just keeps resending an old post to ratcum. If this comes through would Roadkill please explain to me what a mackem is
  14. My first post was intended to be anti American ,ie only in that country could Nikola Tesla die penniless and a fat cunt like chumlee become a millionaire 5 times over! And I was unaware of the phrase spacker being used to signify retard because I grew up reading VIZ and I thought it referred to a prolific ejaculator
  15. I don't mind being called a cunt but yank is hurtful
  16. Did they have Sinclair c5's in aramathaic times. Thanks for all the advice, I can pay with potatoes
  17. And his mouth turned into a seventies porno vagina
  18. Welease Wodewick! And bwian
  19. Do you have any locked in your cellar that I could ask?
  20. What that aramathaic cunt you mentioned last night?
  21. I can live with that, it's got a Viking kind of ring to it which is sort of cool and not remotely gay( like gladiators are)
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